Mamas Uncut

Pregnant Woman Goes Into Labor Before Giving Birth In A Gas Station Bathroom

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A 22-year-old mother, Kaitlyn Fullerton, was on her way home from a trip to Houston, Texas when she suddenly felt an urge to pee that turned into her giving birth in a gas station bathroom.

She asked her husband, Sergio Mancer, to pull into a gas station, telling him she would be out in a minute. But after Kaitlyn closed the doors behind her, she began giving birth over the gas station toilet.

Pregnant Woman Goes Into Labor Before Giving Birth In A Gas Station Bathroom
Image via Facebook

“God please don’t let me have this baby in this restroom,” she recalled saying to herself, during the delivery.

“I was standing up the whole time,” said Fullerton, who was a full nine months pregnant at the time of the delivery. “I felt the head and then he just came right out and I like grabbed him and I was holding him right here close to me and that’s when someone outside the restroom was like ‘do you need help?’”

And moments later, her husband was notified of the birth.

Image via TikTok

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“I looked up, saw a woman saying ‘Hey your wife just gave birth,’” Sergio Mancera told Fox 26. “I was like ‘what?’”

Sergio quickly rushed to her, pulling out his camera. The footage is now going viral for the amazing moments caught on camera that all transpired in the bathroom stall of a Pilot Gas Station in Beasely, Texas.

The video captures Fullerton holding their newborn son in her arms in the dingy bathroom. The boy would later be named Callihan and doctors would record his weight at a healthy 7 lbs., 3 oz.

“His middle name is Eliseo,” Fullerton said, adding that “it means God is my salvation.”

Image via TikTok

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“Afterward, I didn’t feel any pain at all except I still felt the contractions because I didn’t deliver my placenta until I got to the hospital,” Kaitlyn shared. “That’s when it started to hurt. Delivering the placenta hurt more than delivering the baby.”

Paramedics arrived soon after and drove mom and baby off to a nearby hospital, where both were cleared for good health.

Sergio decided to share the incredible story on TikTok and Facebook, where it quickly went viral.

“Never in my life would I have expected something like this,” the Texas dad wrote on Facebook on July 12. “This is a crazy story to tell my kids one day. Having my wife give birth in a gas station!! Never in a [million years would have not imagined this.]”

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