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This Man Made His Pregnant Sister-in-Law Sleep on an Air Mattress and Wants to Know if That Makes Him a Jerk

We all know that hosting family for the holidays can get extremely stressful, but things can get especially tricky when navigating sleeping arrangements for everyone, particularly when a pregnant sister-in-law is involved.

One Reddit user was so confused about his predicament that he turned to the community to ask, “Am I the a**hole for making my pregnant sister-in-law sleep on an air mattress?”

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Is this dude the “a**hole” for making his pregnant sister-in-law sleep on an air mattress?

This Man Made His Pregnant Sister-in-Law Sleep on an Air Mattress and Wants to Know if That Makes Him a Jerk
Credit: Reddit

The writer is hosting all of the in-laws for Thanksgiving and is struggling with the right thing to do. 

“The plan is to have parents (in their late 60s) sleep in our guest bedroom on a proper frame and mattress. That leaves our office, with an air mattress (a decent one, but still) for SIL and her husband.”

Apparently the sister-in-law isn’t having any more of it after being put on the air mattress during the last visit. She even went so far as to hint that she should get the master bedroom this time.

“I’ve never been pregnant, and I can respect that maybe you just want some damn comfort as you grow a human. However, I think my judgment may be clouded by my annoyance that she historically makes a stink about getting what she wants, pregnant or not.”

The top response reads:

“NTA. If I was 6 months pregnant I would not be ‘sleeping’ on air mattress for any damn reason. It can be hell to get to sleep in your own bed, with a million pillows and everything set just right- and everything probably already hurts. With that said, they can get a hotel or they can stay home if they don’t like what you have to offer. It’s f***ing ridiculous of her to invite herself into your bed instead.”

And that is about the gist of the advice. Though many are sympathetic to the pregnant sister-in-law’s needs, many people felt that it was not entirely up to the original poster to accommodate those needs at the expense of others’.

After receiving helpful feedback from the community, the writer decided to compromise. 

“My partner and I have decided to put our nice comfy mattress into the office for SIL and rock out on the air mattress in our room for the visit,” he added in an update. “Is it a perfect solution? No, but SIL and elder in-laws get much-needed comfort, we keep our room. Hopefully next year, we’ll just be guests!”

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