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A Pregnant Shay Mitchell Started Wearing Adult Diapers So She Doesn’t Have to Visit the Bathroom All the Time

Pregnant Shay Mitchell Starts Rocking Adult Diapers

Look, there’s a lot of surprising things your body can do during pregnancy. It is constantly growing and changing; essentially, you lose a bit of control over what, exactly, is happening with your body. Perhaps that explains why Shay Mitchell decided to nip things in the bud by wearing (and embracing) adult diapers

Mitchell, who is pregnant with her first child, a girl, shared on her YouTube channel on Wednesday that she’s started wearing diapers being she is going to the bathroom so much lately (ah, the joys of pregnancy!).

In the video, part of her “Almost Ready” series, she lamented that she had no idea someone could even go that bathroom as much as she’s been while pregnant. “I swear to God, in like a half an hour, I went to the bathroom probably about 22 times last night, to the point where I was like, I’m f-ing wearing diapers,” she told friends. 

She then revealed that she was, in fact, wearing one while they were chatting away. Her friends were not impressed with her latest accessory. 

Stylist Monica Rose was shocked, “What? I have never seen that in my life, and I’ve had three kids!,” she said. 

“You know, I’m having to pee way too much. It’s just like, I’m over it,” Mitchell responded.

Rose still didn’t get it, pointing to a bathroom down the hallway. 

“I’m wearing a full-on diaper, okay? This isn’t even an ad for Depends. This is a full-on diaper. Because I can’t,” said Mitchell. 

Mitchell announced her pregnancy last month. The joyous news came less than a year after she suffered a devastating miscarriage. So whatever this mama-to-be wants, this mama-to-be should have. Bring on the diapers!

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