Mamas Uncut

Pregnant Mare Goes Into Labor and The Herd Comes Running When The Foal Drops To The Ground

Scott and Sarah’s ranch in Spain has a natural herd of more than 50 stunning horses. The natural herd environment means the horses freely roam the ranch’s amazing pastures. And sometimes they have pregnant mares.

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The couple recently bought a new camera, and their first video captures the miracle of birth and the first minutes of life of a newborn foal. 

pregnant mare gives birth and herd comes running

Watch in awe as a pregnant Azteca mare gives birth to her baby who plops onto the grass in his sac membrane. This is something unique and incredible to behold.  As the newborn stands up on his wobbly legs, takes his first steps, and nurses from his mother, the other mares gather around and are excited by this brand new baby making his way into the world. The other mares even protect the new foal by keeping the pesky stallion away.

One commenter captures the spirit of the video: “Lovely to see the horses in their natural environment with the stallion being able to live with his mares!”

Check out this awesome moment caught on video!

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