Mamas Uncut

Pregnant Joss Stone Is Anxiety Ridden Prior To Birthing First Baby

Joss Stone, 33, announced back in October how she is expecting her first baby with her boyfriend, Cody DaLuz, and she has some concerns…

Last month when she appeared on People (the TV show!) Stone joked how she had a few anxieties about how birthing her baby will go, as well as on her podcast, A Cuppa Happy.

Pregnant Joss Stone Is Anxiety Ridden Prior To Birthing First Baby
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“I was having these moments. … I remember I woke up one night, and I sat on the edge of the bed, and I said to Cody, ‘Oh no,’ and I burst into tears,” she recounts.

“I said, ‘I’ve got to get it out. At some point it has to come out. Now it’s in. My God, Jesus. What if I split in half?’ You don’t read about that.”

After her fears were quieted, she revealed her pregnancy has been going well. But her doctors did suggest she be on bed rest, which proved to be a bit of a challenge.

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“I’m doing fine. I feel all right,” says Stone. “The doctor’s saying, ‘You know, you really need to just not do anything.’ I’m like, ‘Well, I’m kind of not doing anything.’ He’s like, ‘No, you really actually have to lie down horizontal.’ I’m like, ‘Oh, I’m not really used to that.’ “

“But you know, when you’re making a person, I suppose that’s what you have to do,” she adds. “And I’ve been running around and stuff, and he’s like, ‘No, no, no!’ So yeah.”

Stone reveals she has been “eating everything, literally everything,” and how her cravings hit out of nowhere.

“The other day, I ate seven oranges in the car ride home from the supermarket,” she recalls. “I just got obsessed. I was like, ‘I need the vitamin C!’ It’s mad. It’s just the crazy feeling. But it’s great. I just have to be chill and keep my baby safe, and then hopefully, everything will be okay.”

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The singer, who revealed she had “horrible” morning sickness early in her pregnancy, recalls the conversation she had with her mother about her questions and concerns.

“For the first three months, I was on the phone to my mum saying, ‘Mum, why didn’t you tell me about this? How do people do this more than once?’ And she said, ‘Well, when you have your second child… ‘ I’m like, ‘Pfft, I don’t know,’ ” she says.

“She goes, ‘When you have your second child, you’re going to remember this conversation. But in between time, you’re going to totally forget, because there’s so much love that comes. You don’t remember the sickness,’ ” Stone recalls of her mom’s input. “And actually, sitting here talking to you right now, I don’t really remember it. At the time I felt terrible,” she adds. “But now I’m so excited the baby’s coming. So it passes.”

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