Mamas Uncut

Pregnant Influencer Emily Mitchell Dies At Just 36

Image via Instagram

The Instagram influencer and parenting blogger, Emily Mitchell, died suddenly at the age of 36 while pregnant with her fifth child, a boy named Joey.

The creator of the blog, The Hidden Way, died unexpectedly and suddenly just three days before Christmas in her Rhode Island home.

Pregnant Influencer Emily Mitchell Dies At Just 36
Image via Instagram

Emily, whose maiden name is Giancaspro, is survived by her husband Joseph Mitchell and their four children FinnIslaEden and Luna.

“Em was having her morning coffee and toast when she suddenly became unresponsive,” a GoFundMe page stated. “Despite the prompt attention of her children, husband, father and other medical personnel, all valiant efforts to resuscitate were unsuccessful. She went home to be with the Lord. The doctors are still working on answers for her family.”

Emily was just 16 weeks pregnant when she died.

Image via Instagram

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Most of Emily’s Instagram focused on parenting topics such as homeschooling amid a pandemic but in the past few weeks, she also shared pregnancy-related posts.

Back in early December, Emily posted to Instagram how she was preparing to deliver her son via cesarean section.

“This will be my FIFTH C-Section.” she wrote. 

Image via Instagram

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“However your baby gets here, just know YOUR EXPERIENCE is valid and worthy. YOU are no less a mother if you needed emergency medical intervention, had a planned c-section, or an epidural. You aren’t a ‘better’ mother if you had a home birth or an unmedicated vaginal birth. And if you grew your brood through adoption or surrogacy or family blending? Those are YOUR babies and YOU SIT PROUDLY at the table of motherhood.⁣”

She added, “⁣My plan was never to have five c-sections. But you can be sure I’m darn thankful for them. Even if I did grieve with my first at missing out on what the ‘real motherhood experience’ was supposed to be. ⁣How I feel now? It doesn’t matter how they get here. It only matters THAT THEY GET HERE. And are so deeply LOVED.⁣”

Emily is also survived by her parents, three siblings and in-laws.

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