Mamas Uncut

Pregnancy Reveal Ideas: 20 Adorable Ways to Share the Exciting News

If you’re reading this, then you either just found out the most exciting news of your life or are trying to help a friend make the most of their exciting news – either way, we all come here today with a common goal: 

To perfect the art of the pregnancy reveal. 

For those who are expecting, let us start off by saying congratulations – you’re about to embark on the greatest journey of your life, and we’re excited for you. And don’t worry – we promise not to tell anyone! 

“Hey y’all, so my partner and I are planning a baby. I want to give him a cute announcement for when i find out im pregnant. We got three boys I would love to have in the announcement. 2 almost 3 next month and than an almost 2 year old. I’ve never gotten to do a cute announcement and he never had one. This is our first baby together, I’d love to make it special. So any ideas or pictures please help. I wanna plan this out before it becomes real real. I like to be prepared.”

RELATED: 15 Timeless Pregnancy Announcements That Will Inspire You To Create Your Own Magical Moment

For those who are helping a friend plan their big announcement, we appreciate you. You’re the real MVP, and we could all use a friend like you – especially during some of life’s most unforgettable moments.

So, what do you say? Are you ready to make this one of the most memorable days of your life? If so, then hang tight – we’re going to break down some of our favorite pregnancy reveal ideas for first-time parents, expanding families, grandparents, and social media – if you want to take your reveal that far, of course. 

Pregnancy Reveal Ideas: 20 Adorable Ways to Share the Exciting News | Are you ready to make this the most memorable journey of your life? If so, here are some of our favorite pregnancy reveal ideas to start the journey off right!
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5 Pregnancy Reveal Ideas for First-Time Parents

If you just found out you’re pregnant for the first time, then you’re probably feeling a lot of emotions right now – and are probably overwhelmed with pregnancy reveal questions that you don’t have the answer to. 

Who do I tell first? When do I announce it? How do I go about sharing it? Should I see a doctor first? 

The good news is there’s no right or wrong way to go about a pregnancy reveal – it’s your body, so you can tell who you want, when you want, and how you want. That’s the beauty of a pregnancy reveal!

With that said, the partner is generally the first person to find out – and this tends to happen right away. 

There are plenty of different ways to go about this. Some women can’t contain the excitement and are so overcome with joy that they tell their partner within seconds of taking a pregnancy test – and that’s okay! Others are a little more methodical in their approach, and spend years planning this special moment. 

If you’re one of those people, then here are some ideas for you:

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5. Gift Your Partner the Pregnancy Test

This one’s a classic – and for good reason! It’s easy, you can customize the gift however you want, and you can present it in any way you want – for example, wrapped like a birthday present or in a gift basket.

We suggest pairing the pregnancy test with other father-related gifts – a book about being a first-time dad (if you want to keep it serious) or a pair of white new balance shoes (if you want to make them giggle). 

One of the things we love most about this reveal is it allows your partner to experience the same shock you experienced when you saw the pregnancy test for the first time – and you get to see it in real-time!

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4. Send Your Partner on a Scavenger Hunt

Gifting your partner the pregnancy test might be a little too easy. If you want to make your partner work for the reveal, send them on a scavenger hunt. It might take some preparation, but it’s definitely worth it!

Create little clues and hide them around the house. You’ll want the first clue or two to be random, but they should start to have an idea that something is up by the fourth or fifth clue – if their head is on straight. 

All that anticipation builds up to the final clue – and this is when you reveal the pregnancy test. Make sure you have a camera hidden or, at the very least, are there to witness the reaction – it’s the best part!

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3. Drop the Hint in Their Morning Cup of Joe

Does your partner like to enjoy a cup of joe every morning? If so, then this is the perfect reveal for them. It doesn’t always work the first time, and it depends on how attentive they are, but patience is important!

The easy way to do this is to buy a coffee cup that says something about being a first-time dad on the front. If it’s a cup they’ve never seen before, they’ll likely read what it says before catching the hint. 

The more subtle way to do this is to buy a coffee cup that says something on the inside – preferably at the bottom of the cup. The reveal will have to wait until they’re almost done, but it’s well worth the wait!

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2. Book a Reservation for Three – Not Two!

This pregnancy reveal is an excellent idea for couples who go on frequent dinner dates, but even those who don’t can make use of this idea – I mean, it’s not like you don’t have something to celebrate!

In order for this to work, choose a restaurant that takes reservations and, preferably, one that calls out your reservation before seating you. Basically, you want them to say “[Your Name], table for three.”

If your husband doesn’t notice it, bring it up – this is the perfect segway into the reveal. And to ensure they call your name out, you can tell the host your plan before you arrive – they don’t mind playing along!

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1. Get the Family Dog or Cat Involved

Is it really a pregnancy reveal if you don’t get your pet involved? They’re just as much a part of the family as anyone else and, if anything, were your first foray into the parenting world – though this is different. 

To get your dog or cat involved, buy them a new bandana, sweater, or collar tag – but make sure it’s something your partner will notice or something you can easily bring up in the middle of a conversation.

Treat this like the cup of morning joe or reservation – you might have to nudge your partner in the right direction, but they’ll eventually catch on to what you’re doing. And when they do, it’ll be pure excitement.

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5 Pregnancy Reveal Ideas for a Growing Family

Are you pregnant again?! Look at you go – congratulations! As you likely know by now, finding out you are pregnant for a second (or third, fourth, etc.) time is just as exciting as the first time – albeit different. 

You’re a little more prepared this time around and have a much better idea of what to expect, but that doesn’t make it any easier to contain your excitement – and you still want to enjoy every lasting moment.

And, like before, that all starts with the pregnancy reveal. 

Except this time around, you’re not just telling your partner – you have a big brother/sister to tell, too!

Of course, that only opens the door for more creativity – allowing you to explore a wide range of different themes. With that said, here are five of our favorite pregnancy reveal ideas for any expanding family. 

via Shutterstock (Evgeny Atamanenko)

5. Read a Book About Being an Older Sibling

Reading books that are written from the perspective of a big sister or big brother can help introduce your child to the idea of being an older sibling and help them understand the importance of your pregnancy.

Here are some of our favorites: 

The New Baby by Mercer Mayer, I’m a Big Sister / I’m a Big Brother by Joanna Cole, Waiting for Baby by Rachel Fuller, and Big Brothers Are the Best / Big Sisters Are the Best by Fran Manushkin. 

These books make for great bedtime stories but can be enjoyed at any time of the day. Some kids grow a special connection to these books and repeatedly request them when it’s time to wind down at night. 

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4. Matching Outfits With Cute Sayings

Using matching outfits not only makes for an adorable pregnancy announcement but also helps your existing children feel involved and excited about their new sibling – signaling unity and togetherness.

Popular sayings include “Big Brother in Training” or “Promoted to Big Sister,” but you can get the whole family involved – including a “Mom of Three” shirt for you or a “Father of Three” shirt for your partner. 

Another cool idea, especially if your family is into sports, is going with a team jersey design. Let your children pick their number and use the nameplate on the back for the “Big Brother” or “Big Sister.” 

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3. Big Brother- or Sister-Inspired Gift Basket

Kind of like you would for your partner, putting together a gift basket for your children can help signal the importance of what’s going on – after all, gifts make any moment feel like a special one in a child’s eyes.

You can fill the basket with fun sibling-inspired puzzles, books, toys, scrapbooks, and clothes. I also like adventure maps, which can be customized to include all the milestones they’ll have as an older sibling.

A thoughtful gift that celebrates your child’s new role can help them feel more connected to and positive about the arrival of their new sibling – turning the pregnancy reveal into a cherished family memory for all.

via Shutterstock (Ground Picture)

2. Show Them an Educational Video

If your child doesn’t respond well to books, then you can try sitting down with them and watching an educational video about what being an older sibling means and the responsibilities they’ll be gaining. 

You can find a lot of these videos on YouTube – and they’re free to watch! Some of them explain the importance of protecting their younger sibling, while others highlight the fun memories they’ll gain. 

If your child responds better to music, then singing or teaching them nursery rhymes about siblings and pregnancy can help them understand – again, you can find a lot of these videos for free on YouTube. 

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1. Buy Them a Baby Doll

Buying your child a baby doll as part of your pregnancy reveal can help them prepare for the arrival of their newest sibling – much in the same way you and your partner are preparing for the baby’s arrival. 

It’ll give you an opportunity to teach your child how to hold a baby, how to care for a baby, and how to treat them with love and respect. It promotes empathy, responsibility, caregiving, and role-playing. 

Of course, it also helps reduce the shock of jealousy they feel once the baby arrives. By that point, your older child is already comfortable with the idea of having a little sibling to protect around the house.

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5 Pregnancy Reveal Ideas for the Grandparents

Alright – you’ve told your partner, you’ve told your kids, who’s next? The grandparents, of course! 

Most couples like to wait until the end of the first trimester (12 weeks) to make this announcement, but it can happen as soon (or as late) as you want – what matters most is that you feel comfortable sharing it!

Keep in mind that this news is just as exciting for them as it is for you – but from a different perspective. 

They’re not just filled with excitement – they’re filled with pride. The emotions you’re feeling are quite literally the same emotions they felt decades ago when they found out they were pregnant with you. And now, they’re seeing those emotions coming full circle – and it makes for such a beautiful occasion. 

Here are five of our favorite ways to make this moment an unforgettable one for everyone involved. 

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5. Framed Photo of Sonogram

Most of our parents have an impressive and extensive collection of framed photographs sitting on their mantle or hanging on their wall, but it’s missing something – a photo of their newest grandchild. 

There are two ways to go about this. First, you can gift them a framed photo of the sonogram and record their reaction – I especially recommend getting it on video if they’re set to become first-time grandparents.

The second way is to add the photo to the collection and see if they notice it – and then let them put two and two together. This, of course, doesn’t always work and you might have to make it more obvious. 

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4. Get the Sonogram Photo Printed on a Shirt

If you want to put together a gift basket, you can pair the framed canvas with a t-shirt that has a photo of the sonogram and a cute saying – or the baby’s last name. This is a great idea when taking pictures. 

It also gives your parents a keepsake to commemorate the occasion – something they can cherish for the next nine months, until they get to meet their grandchild. Who knows, it might become their favorite shirt!

You can also have the photo printed on a baby onesie – giving your parents yet another keepsake item to hold on to. You can further personalize it by including the logos of your parents’ favorite sports team.

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3. Yard Sign or Wall Decor

This is another commemorative item you can include in a gift basket for your parents. Whether they hang it in the dining room or display it in the middle of their garden, a beautiful sign goes a long way in a reveal.

You can find plenty of cute signs and decor online or at your favorite department store, but we suggest going the homemade route – it’s a little more intimate and makes for a great activity night for the kids!

Plus, let’s be honest, your parents will appreciate the amount of time, energy, and effort you put into the decoration – and it’s something they’ll think about every single time they look at it – for years to come!

via Shutterstock (Hyejin Kang)

2. Scratch-Off Card

Scratch-off cards are a great way to surprise your parents with a pregnancy reveal. They can be at the heart of the reveal, or can be featured as the precursor to the gift basket – either way, we love the idea!

So, what are they? It’s basically a small card that has a catchy saying on it and a place for them to scratch – like a lottery ticket. When they scratch the area, it reveals the big news – you’re pregnant!

For exaple, the catchy saying could read, “I can bring a smile to your face, a tear to your eye, or a thought to your mind. But I can’t be seen yet. What am I?” And then the scratched part reads, “Your grandchild!”

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1. Wear Matching Outfits, But Don’t Say Anything

Alright, we’re bringing back the matching outfits from before, but this time we’re going to test your parents to see how long it takes for them to notice what you’re wearing – you’d be surprised at how long it takes!

The next time you go to a family gathering (or simply show up to your parents house to say hi), wear your matching outfit – but don’t say anything about it. Eventually, someone will see it, and the chaos begins!

You’ll want to have your gift basket ready for when that happens – and perhaps some additional shirts for everyone to wear. After all, you’re going to want to celebrate the special moment with a photograph!

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5 Pregnancy Reveal Ideas for Social Media

Not everyone is going to share their pregnancy news on social media – and not everyone has to! Since pregnancy reveals are meant to be personal and intimate, it’s totally okay to want to keep that between you and your closest friends and family members. Those who truly love you will completely understand!

With that said, some people are comfortable sharing that news online – and that’s fine, too!

After all, a lot of us like to share all of our biggest moments on social media – and this is certainly one of the biggest (if not THE biggest) moments of your life. If you want people to know, then they should know!

If you want to yell it from the rooftop, then that’s what you should do!

With that said, pregnancy reveals on social media offer a unique advantage by allowing you to notify a large mass of people with just one post. Here are some of the ways you can spice that reveal up!

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5. Sonogram Photo With a Calendar

Okay, this one is easy and will only take you a couple of minutes to set up. All you need is a calendar, your sonogram photos, and a camera – don’t worry, you don’t have to be a professional photographer.

With the calendar, find your expected due date and circle that day on the calendar – a heart might make more sense. Use the calendar as the backdrop to the photo and place the sonograms around it. 

Play around with it to make it look artsy before snapping the photo. You can either add a catchy caption or keep the caption blank and let your followers figure it out for themselves – that’s 100% your call!

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4. Family Photo With Sonogram

While you don’t necessarily have to hire a professional photographer, this is a rare occasion in your life – so why not go all out? A real photoshoot can help you capture the moment in a beautifully elegant way.

The best way to go about this is with a collage-style photo that includes photos from different angles – especially if you’re showing off your baby bump. Of course, you’ll also want shots of the sonogram. 

I personally love the shots of the couple each with one hand on the sonogram – signaling unity, strength, and togetherness as they welcome new life into this world. But don’t be afraid to show your personality!

via Shutterstock (Annakek)

3. Take a Gander Through Etsy

If you want to take your social media pregnancy reveal to the next level, then you’ll find everything you need at Etsy – an online marketplace where people come together to buy, sell, and trade unique items. 

Etsy has an entire section dedicated to baby announcements – some are downloaded digitally and some are sent to your home. If you like the idea of setting it up yourself, then avoid the digital downloads. 

Most baby announcement templates include a onesie, stuffed animals, wooden letters, scriptures, and other decorative items to make the setup stand out. Better yet, they only cost between $10 and $15.

via Shutterstock (monticello)

2. Utilize Your Photoshop Skills

Are you good at photoshop? Well, why not put those creative skills to the test and create something unique to you and your growing family? I mean, the possbilities are endless when technology is involved.

One of our favorite pregnancy reveal ideas is creating a movie poster starring you, your partner, your kids (if you already have them), and any family pets. A good title for the movie could be ‘What’s One More?’

If you’re more of a music buff and less of a movie buff, then you can always go with an album cover – it’s the same idea, and you can even have more fun with it by coming up with a pregnancy-related track list.

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1. Get ‘Punny’ With It

Who doesn’t love a good pun? But for a pregnancy reveal? Believe it or not, pun-related pregnancy reveals are some of the most popular ways to announce a pregnancy – trust us, everyone will love it!

For example, you can take a picture of your partner holding two bags of ice and then you, standing right next to them, pointing to your belly – most people will understand the “Ice, Ice, Baby” reference. 

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All you need at that point is a good caption, and you’re ready to go. Another good pun is taking a photo of you and your partner cooking spaghetti with Prego sauce, or writing ‘Expected to Pop Soon’ on a balloon.

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