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Is It True You Get Sicker When You’re Pregnant With a Boy?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her second pregnancy. She says she is pregnant and is much sicker this time than she was during her previous pregnancy (which produced a girl). She is wondering if the old wive’s tale that severe morning sickness early in pregnancy means you are having a boy is actually true. (She is only five weeks along and therefore does not know yet if it is a boy or a girl.)

YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: Tips to Help with Morning Sickness: Advice from Pediatrician Dr. Tiffany Fischman

A member of the community asks:

“Is it true you get sicker when you are pregnant with a boy?

I just found out I’m pregnant and I’m about five weeks along. I’m so friggin sick it’s not even funny. This is my second baby, but with my first baby (who’s a girl), I didn’t start having morning sickness until I was ten weeks along. What I’m asking is, is it true that you get sicker with a boy than with a girl?”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Who Wants to Know if It’s True That You Get Sicker / Morning Sickness Is Worse When You’re Pregnant with a Boy

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary

Is It True You Get Sicker When You're Pregnant With a Boy?

The community offered this mom in need a lot of great advice. Read some of their responses below.

“I was always told you get more sick with girls than boys. With my daughter, I was so sick from start to finish I didn’t think it’d ever end. I’m 19 weeks with my son now and this pregnancy has been amazing. A little nausea the first few weeks and maybe about 10 times of throwing up and that’s it. But it’s just a coincidence and I don’t believe in the old wives tales at all lol.”

“I’ve heard each pregnancy is different. I was not sick with my boys but this pregnancy I have been sick for weeks. On a nausea medication for it.”

“No everyone is different. I had 2 boys and a girl. Everyone said you usually are more sick with girls but I just gave birth to my son and I was miserable the whole time lol. I was sick from morning till night. I had to get put on nausea meds because I couldn’t even hold down water . Good luck and congratulations! Ask your doctor about nausea meds it saved my life lol.”

“I have had 7 kids a mix of boys and girls and it’s different for each. You are simply feeling more sick with exaggerated symptoms because you are caring for another child and cannot baby yourself like you may have when pregnant with your first. Just my opinion.”

“Those kinds of old wives’ tales are unpredictable. I was extremely sick for my whole pregnancy. In and out of the ER and on bedrest. I was vomiting water. I have a 4-year-old daughter.”

“It was opposite for me. I was sick my entire pregnancy with my first daughter, like last time I threw up was right before I had her. With my second daughter, it got better at seven months but the nausea never went away. With my son I just had, i stopped throwing up around 4 months with occasional nausea the remainder of the pregnancy.”

“No science to back up whether gender has anything to do with how sick you are. Every pregnancy is different so you may be sick one time and not the next.”

“Not true, it all depends on the individual. Everyone is different. I barely got morning sickness with my 2 boys, but with my 2 girls it was more compared to my boy pregnancies.”

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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