Mamas Uncut

My 9-Year-Old Daughter Is Going Through Puberty: How Can I Help Her?

My 9-Year-Old Daughter Is Going Through Puberty: How Can I Help Her?

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QUESTION: How Can I Help My Daughter As She Goes Through Puberty?

“My daughter turned 9 in September. She is showing signs of puberty. She has breast buds, and honestly, I don’t know when it started. They are little.

However, it’s obvious if you are trying to notice. Also, she has a UTI and she was changing in front of me. I noticed she has hair down there. She has also been so moody.

I feel like she is so young! Does anyone know what I can do to support her? Tips, advice… anything! This is so new for me when it comes to supporting her. When it came to my own childhood, I didn’t have a lot of support and I had to figure it out on my own. I don’t want it to be like that for her.”

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My 9-Year-Old Daughter Is Going Through Puberty: How Can I Help Her?

Community Answers

The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

“I bought my daughter the American girl book The Care and Keeping of You. Very informative but on their level.”

“Just have the talk with her. I started my period at 10, during school and knew exactly what was happening because my mom took the time to sit down explain and explain everything that was going to happen to my body. I wasn’t freaked out or anything. Communication is key!”

“I did a ‘Welcome to Womanhood’ basket. I filled it with personal wipes, chocolate, soda, tissues, and anything else that may help her when the time comes. This opened up a time for conversation. I also bought varies pads and had her try them on before her period. Then she knew what she liked before it unexpectedly came.”

“Open lines of communication are key during puberty. Explain to her what is happening to her body. She will be embarrassed, but ploughing through is important. Remember, she has no clue why she feels the way she does. She will cry a lot and probably have a horrible attitude. Patience is very important. We also switched our diets, a lot of frozen and fresh vegetables and fruits and organic meats. No more canned veggies or any great value brand anything. It made a big difference with all the hormones they inject in animals and preservatives they add to foods, we didn’t want anymore added to her diet.”

“Have a talk with her explain whats going to happen and that she needs to start carrying extra things with her for just in case she isn’t home… our daughter started in 5th grade and the day she started she called me I went and got her from school and we kind of had a little bit of a girls day and told her it was nothing to be ashamed of and start buying her training bras.”

“I’m very open with my daughter. She’s also 9 and I know puberty is on the way. I’ve had the talk with. I explained everything that happens and why. I told her she can come to me or her daddy if she needs anything.”

“I’m soooo glad to hear other moms saying they feel theirs are to young. Mine is 9 and also going through these changes and im freaking out!! Any advice is appreciated.”

“I got pregnant at 15. I think talking to her about caring for her body how important it is not to let any boy do anything intimate even kissing. And probably teach her the best you can about being a woman and taking care of herself.”

“I always made it a point to be very open with my daughter. She watched me change pads and had showers and baths with me until a certain age but it gave me the opportunity to explain when she asked about my girly parts and it paid off. As for mood wings just let her know that it okay to have bad moments and days but not to feed into them. You’re a good mama for seeking any kind of advice. Girls are not easy!!!”

“My little one is 8 and started. Schedule an appt with her pediatrician and they may send her to a specialist. I also had her watch a video online about it. I noticed she was developing quickly and I’m glad I did it before it started.”

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