Mamas Uncut

You *Can* Practice Self-Care When You’re at Home with the Kids: Here Are 6 Tips to Get Started

We all know it’s good for your mental health if you can get some time to yourself during the day. But, of course, that’s easier said than done. Between watching the kids, getting meals ready, trying to keep the house clean, staying on top of your work, and fitting in sleep once in awhile, it can be hard to imagine being able to carve out additional time to practice self-care. The good news: You don’t need to take too much time to yourself to notice a big difference in how you’re feeling.

If you are looking for ways to practice self-care while housebound with your family, know it’s not impossible. Here are 6 ways you can get started today!

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How to Practice Self-Care at Home with Kids

Get Moving

You *Can* Practice Self Care When You’re at Home with the Kids: Here Are 6 Tips to Get Started

It’s always good for your mind, body, and soul to get outside and get some fresh air. While it’s fun playing outside with the kids, it’s also important to take some time for yourself. Make a plan with your partner to get out of the house for a bit to take a walk, drive to the nearest hiking trail, or head to a local park.

Stay in Touch

It can be hard to find time to consistently hang out with friends and catch up when you’ve got so much going on at home, but it’s important to stay connected and continue to build relationships, even when time is at a minimum. Set up monthly dinner dates to catch up with friends or set up a weekly or biweekly FaceTime or Zoom call with friends to catch up after the kids go to bed so you can stay connected.

RELATED: 10 SelfCare Products to Pamper Yourself at Home

Get Creative

Whether you’ve already got a creative hobby or are looking to take one up, scheduling 30 minutes a day to paint, knit, scrapbook or whatever gets your creative juices flowing is a great way to take time for yourself and get out of your head for a bit.  

Take Some Space

Sometimes you just need to shut the door to get the space you need. Take some time to take an extra-long shower or bath, close the bedroom door for a bit to dig into the latest book or your favorite podcast or head out into the backyard to sit in silence for a bit.

Indoor Workouts

Getting a bit of exercise is good for the mind and body, but it can be tricky finding time to go to the gym. Luckily, there are lots of apps and YouTube videos that make working out from home easy in 30 minutes or less. Block out time in the morning or while the kids are occupied to go into a different area of the house and get moving.

Saturday Night for Self-Care

After the kids are in bed, make Saturday night your night to do something for yourself. Push aside the to-do lists for the evening and put on a face mask, cue up your favorite TV show or movie, enjoy a glass of wine, and relax. Even if you’re able to indulge in this ritual just one day a month, it gives you the freedom to say ‘yes!’ to all of your favorites and acts as a powerful recharging moment.

It’s not easy to find the time to do the things you enjoy the most, but ultimately, taking that time allows you a mental and physical time out from the day-to-day stressors, making you the best version of yourself for your family. That’s why self-care is as important for your family as it is for you.

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