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One Love Foundation Lists All The Toxic Moments In Taylor Swift’s ‘All Too Well’ Music Video

One Love Foundation Lists All The Toxic Moments In Taylor Swift's 'All Too Well' Music Video

Image via Shutterstock

The “One Love Foundation” recently posted a list of all the toxic moments that took place in Taylor Swift‘s “All Too Well” music video in an effort to educate others on what an unhealthy relationship looks like.

“Taylor Swift never fails to surprise us. Last week she dropped ‘All Too Well,’ a short film that shows the troubled trajectory of an unhealthy relationship. If you tuned in and felt the situations and behaviors were familiar, this post is for you,” the caption read.

The first slide read: “1. Visiting his sister’s house during their first week together shows intensity.”

“2. His behavior is volatile throughout the film, one moment he’s acting charming and kind, and then suddenly cold and detached.”

“3 When she expresses that she feels hurt by what happened at the dinner party, he deflects responsibility, shifting the blame back onto her.”

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While the next slide read: “4. Saying he doesn’t remember dropping her hand is Onanipulation, implying that events unfolded differently than she says they did. “

“5. In the kitchen during their argument, he belittles her, calling her actions and feelings, ‘ridiculous,’ ‘crazy,’ and ‘insane.'”

The Swift-dedicated-post struck a chord with many users and led some to even share their own experiences with unhealthy relationships.

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“Literally my last relationship… I have been working for a year to get over it & in one song this brilliant woman had written 10 years ago she summarized everything I had gone through the last two years… and I was 46 when this happened to me… I guess I was younger when it happened before, but I didn’t fall in love like I did this time… I am so grateful for this song… this version of this song for her words are exactly what I needed to say for so long,” one user wrote.

While others praised the foundation for spreading awareness by using pop culture references:

“Thank you for this amazing post. It’s so important for us to point things out like this in media. I study/teach about abusive relationships and I didn’t even quite catch how many signs there were in the video. Having had a relationship like this and being in denial about it just goes to show you how things that can be unhealthy (intensity, passionate fights and makeup’s, moving really fast, etc.) can be romanticized and escape our attention.”

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