Mamas Uncut

What Are Your Thoughts About the Family Who Got Kicked Off a Flight Because Their 2-Year-Old Wouldn’t Wear a Mask?

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QUESTION: What Do You Think About the Airline That Kicked a Family Off a Flight Because Their Toddler Wouldn’t Wear a Mask?

Did you guys see the family that got kicked off the flight because their two years old wouldn’t wear a mask? As a mom, I found this crazy.

My daughter will be two on the 22nd, and there’s no way she’ll wear a mask. It’s impossible to reason with a toddler. They don’t know what the word virus means and that they can get sick, so you can’t convince them to wear it. Her instinct is that something is on her face and to take it off.

I agree with mask-wearing, and I agree with having rules, but it has to make sense. This doesn’t make any sense to me. I think it was shameful to put a family out like that. What’re your thoughts?

RELATED: I Have Concerns About the Idea of Kids Wearing Masks at School: Advice?

What Are Your Thoughts About the Family Who Got Kicked Off a Flight Because Their 2-Year-Old Wouldn't Wear a Mask?

Community Answers

The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

“It’s not the airlines job to make sure your child can wear a mask. It is their company, their policy. If they knew their child would not wear a mask, they should not have tried to take a plane.”

“I have a toddler, and she’s able to wear the mask just fine. The parents could have tried harder to have theirs wear the mask.”

“Every child is different. So please you “perfect” parents be quiet. You don’t know their situation, you don’t know the child needs if there are any. Some children don’t understand why they need to wear one. So please please be quiet.”

“That whole situation sucks but as a mother of two toddlers, I wouldn’t bring them on a flight right now if I wasn’t 100% sure they’d wear a mask. That’s the airline’s rule for the safety of everyone, and it’s their right to enforce it.”

“Don’t travel with a 2-year-old then. Wait until they’re old enough to follow rules or drive to your destination.”

“The whole thing was stupid. Who expects a TODDLER to wear a mask? I can understand kids 5 and up, they have a better understanding… but a two-year-old literally doesn’t understand why wearing a mask is a must-do. And not saying it’s the flight attendant’s fault…but whoever made that policy is obviously not a parent of a small child. I’m a pre-k teacher and have 20 kids from ages 4-5 and I guarantee that not one of them would wear a mask correctly for several hours straight. And for all you saying “WeLl My ChILd WeArS oNe JuSt FiNe” and “ThIs Is PoOr PaReNtInG”, I’m glad every child is the same and that you’re a perfect parent!”

“My special needs child was able to wear a mask at Universal without issue. I think if you know your child won’t cooperate, don’t go where masks are mandated. They could easily drive.”

“I guess I wonder why they were traveling with a two year old during a pandemic. Was there a good reason or were they just visiting and not following any social distancing?”

“As a mother, I would not be taking a vacation with my 2 year old in the middle of a pandemic. Also I would not expect or traumatize my 2 year old with that experience. I do not find fault with the airline, they are following their rules, which I would assume the parents were aware of.”

“1. Don’t travel with a 2-year-old during a pandemic 2. The parents knew the rules before boarding the flight. You can’t read the rules, not follow them, and then cry that they enforced them.”

“Rules are rules. If your 2 year old won’t wear a mask, then your’re staying home. Toddlers can still spread the virus. Wtf is wrong with people. The amount of people that are dying round the world and you guys are worried about a missed holiday.”

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