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Pink Tearfully Details Her and Her 3-Year-Old Son’s Battle with Coronavirus, Saying It Was the ‘Scariest Thing’ She’s Ever Experienced

Pink Tearfully Details Her and Her 3-Year-Old Son's Battle with Coronavirus, Saying It Was the 'Scariest Thing' She's Ever Experienced

Pink is opening up about her recent coronavirus infection and battle with COVID-19.

Last week, the singer revealed that both she and her 3-year-old son, Jameson, tested positive for the virus that has brought the entire world to a stand-still.

RELATED: Popstar Pink Reveals That She Tested Positive After She and Her Son Started Exhibiting COVID-19 Symptoms; Her Son Got the Worst of It

“Two weeks ago my three-year-old son, Jameson, and I were showing symptoms of COVID-19,” she shared last week. “Fortunately, our primary care physician had access to tests and I tested positive.” She went on to say that she was making a million dollars to COVID-19 relief efforts.

Then, on April 8, Pink called in for a conversation with Ellen DeGeneres to talk about her battle with the illness, as well as son Jameson’s symptoms and recovery.

Pink Details COVID-19 Battle to Ellen

In the clip, Ellen mostly just lets Pink speak as she explains her terrifying last couple of weeks.

“This is the scariest thing I’ve ever been through in my whole life,” Pink told Ellen.

She says that Jameson was actually the first to show symptoms, which she went into in great detail:

“So it started with Jameson actually and, you know … 3-year-olds get sick all the time. But he started with a fever, March 14 — we’ve been quarantined since March 11 — and it would come and go. Then he would have stomach pains and diarrhea and chest pains, and then a headache and then sore throat, and it was just sort of all over the place. Every day was some new symptom and his fever stayed, it didn’t go, and then it started going up and up and at one point he was at 103.”

After calling a doctor and being told there was nothing they could do because a 3-year-old is unlikely to die from the coronavirus infection, Pink began to experience symptoms herself a few days later.

“I didn’t feel good I was really tired, I kind of had the chills a little bit nauseous but I never had a fever,” she said. “I never had what they tell you to look for.”

She continued: “March 18 or 20 I woke up in the middle of the night and I couldn’t breathe. I needed my nebulizer for the first time in 30 years. [Pink suffers from asthma.] And I have this rescue inhaler that I use and I couldn’t function without it, and that’s when I started to get really scared because of all the stuff, you know, you can’t help but watch the news every day.”

Pink then explained that her physician had a single test available, which she gladly decided to take. (Jameson was not officially tested for coronavirus.)

Celebrities who have been tested have received a lot of backlash due to the extremely limited supply of available tests and PPE in the United States currently. And to that point, Pink said, “You should be angry that I can get a test and you can’t, but being angry at me is not going to help anything.”

“You should be angry about that and we should work together to try and change that,” she continued. “The healthcare system is jacked. The government, in a way, failed us by not being prepared. But this is where we’re at and thank god we’re getting better.”

We’re glad both Pink and Jameson are doing better too.

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