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My Partner Thinks He’s Always Right and Has a Bad Attitude: Should I Leave?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her partner. She says that her partner always thinks he is right and has a bad attitude. He thinks his opinion on everything — from raising their daughter to finances — is the right one and refuses to listen to hers. He nags, he curses at her. This mom is at the point where she wants to take her daughter and leave, but she says she has nowhere to go.

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A member of the community asks:

“My partner thinks he is always right and has a bad attitude: Advice?

My partner and I have a 2-year-old daughter. 6 years of being together but not yet married. My problem is the bad attitude of my partner: he thinks that he’s always right in everything, decisions, what to do with our daughter, plans, problems that he won’t share to me, finances, everything!

So I think sometimes that am I useless here? Do I have no right to do this and that? He’s a nagger, and always curses me whenever he wants to. I can’t think straight because I have no job. I want to leave him and be with my daughter… I just have no courage to do so just because we don’t have anywhere to go… “

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Who Is Fed Up With Her Partner’s Bad Attitude Because He Thinks He’s Always Right

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary

My Partner Thinks He's Always Right and Has a Bad Attitude: Should I Leave?

The community offered this mom in need a lot of great advice. Read some of their responses below.

“You need to look up narcissist. The only way for him to move beyond it is to actually accept that he’s a narcissist and get therapy… which no narcissist ever will.”

“It doesn’t get any better. Get out before you lose more time.”

“Get a job. Don’t marry him. Save every cent you earn as much as possible and bail.”

“Do not marry him or have more kids with him.”

“I was scared to be a single parent with no income too. I spent a long time being absolutely miserable before I finally left. You know what? It was so much easier than my anxiety told me it was going to be. I was already a single mom essentially, but when I left him I suddenly didn’t have the stress and guilt of him being there and I no longer had to ask permission or worry about being berated and belittled. I’m now happily married to another man. He’s a wonderful father and husband.”

“Why are you still with him? He sounds like a terrible example for your daughter. He’s been stomping on you for years.”

“Seriously, leave. Find the strength to do it. He will never change his attitude, been there, done that!!!!”

“There’s always women and children’s shelters. I did it. Only I have 4 kids. The hardest thing to do in my life ever. The struggle was worth the reward.”

“Is this the person you want your daughter to end up with?? She will if you don’t break that chain asap! She will only learn that this is the type of person she is supposed to be with and will have no strength to overcome it. Also, remember… What he does to you he will eventually do to her. You already know what you need to do. Either do what it takes or stay and allow the abuse to yourself but save your daughter the abuse and find her somewhere stable to be away from a man like this. P.S… They never change*”

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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