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Parents of Reddit Share Some of the Toughest and Most Inquisitive Questions Their Kids Have Asked Them

Toddlers’ minds are always hard at work and sometimes they can really stump adults with their questions. From the questions that make us laugh to the ones that make us feel completely clueless, curious kiddos who are trying to make sense of the world are always full of “whys.” 

One Reddit user decided to start a genius thread by posing the question  “Parents of Reddit, what ‘why?’ Has your toddler thrown you that even Google couldn’t answer?”

Parents of Reddit Share Toughest Questions Kids Asked Them

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The responses to user rivergame’s question were highly entertaining, so we’re sharing some of our personal favorites. Community responses included hilarious questions like, “Do caterpillars burp?” and “Can our dog become the President one day?”


Reddit Users Share the Most Puzzling Questions They Were Ever Asked By Their Toddlers

Other adorable questions included, “Do ghosts have butts?” and “Daddy, are you going to be a boy when you grow down?”

However, some seemed truly impossible to answer, leaving parents speechless. Examples of some of those questions included, “Why was I in space before your tummy?” and “Why does the Tooth Fairy want my teeth?”


Parents were also faced with head-scratchers like, “Why is green?” and “If there really were dragons, what would they cost?” And perhaps the most unforgettable, “What’s the smell of the colour nine?”

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It never fails to amaze us how insightful little ones can be, especially when they ask questions like, “Why do Adam and Eve have belly buttons in pictures?” or “How does Santa get back up the chimney?” 

The nearly 12,000 Reddit comments are worth a read. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by your toddlers questions, we hope this thread proves that you are not alone and that many questions presented by these inquisitive little minds are simply impossible to answer.

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