Mamas Uncut

Parents Left Heartbroken for North West After ‘Disturbing’ TikTok Is Deleted

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Just days after people took issue with her parenting, Kim Kardashian celebrated a huge milestone North West reached. Now North West has made another big announcement regarding her music career.

At the ripe age of 10 years old, North West told the crowd at a listening party for her father’s album that she herself is also recording her first ever studio album. “I’ve been working on an album,” she told the crowd, adding that the workshopped title is Elementary School Dropout.

In an Instagram story shared on Kim’s account, Kim revealed that North became the youngest artist to ever chart at age 10 with the song she collaborated on with her father, Kanye West, Talking. While celebrating the monumental moment, Kim wrote, “My baby!”

Parents Left Heartbroken for North West After 'Disturbing' TikTok Is Deleted | People are disgusted after North West shared a photo she drew on TikTok.

As Mamas Uncut reported last week, People were disgusted after North West shared a photo she drew on TikTok.

The drawing featured “3 things [North West is] grateful for today.” In her own words, the 10-year-old revealed many of the things she is grateful for is her father’s controversial new music.

“I am grateful for the VULTURES 1 album because it is insanely good. I am also grateful for the black vulture because if vultures weren’t alive this amazing album wouldn’t have come out,” North West wrote.

She continued, writing, “Lastly, I am grateful for the Gang Carnival.” North West then completed her note with a drawing of her father and step mother Bianca in a risqué outfit, which is the cover art for VULTURES 1.

People specifically took issue with North knowing the song, Gang Carnival, which uses several inappropriate words and describes inappropriate acts, that many people believe a child shouldn’t be exposed to.

The TikTok has since been removed from the account North West shared with mom Kim Kardashian but a screenshot of it has been shared to Reddit where several people are taking issue with what North has been exposed to as a child.

“I can’t defend this. This is absolutely unhinged,” one person wrote. “Even Eminem didn’t let his daughters listen to his music. Art or not, her dad’s music is inappropriate for children. And yes, that includes his own 10 year old child,” another added.

“Honestly, it’s wild what she’s been exposed to. She went to his Nobu birthday party that had naked women. And all the concert events on stage with all these guys smoking around her. I gotta imagine it would be quite the battle for Kim to avoid her listening to his music but does she have to go to all these very adult events?! Like damn let the girl be a little innocent,” another commenter added.

“It’s especially disturbing that she cites Carnival…I just read the lyrics and as a grown adult I feel gross,” a commenter wrote. “Carnival…. it’s extremely derogatory about women. Why is she listening to this? Even the clean version is not appropriate for children.”

People also took issue with Kim allowing this to be shared on their public TikTok page. “Ok but the fact Kim shared this to the public…????????. Like keep this private,” a commenter admitted.

There have been several issues with the new album including Kanye using antisemitism to promote it and it violating distribution agreements and being pulled off of various streaming services.

Kanye has also sampled several popular songs without approval, causing several legendary artists included Ozzy Osbourne and Donna Summer to retaliate.

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