
From baby’s first year to their first day of school and everything in between (and beyond), we cover topical, timely, and important parenting topics to keep you well-informed (and entertained) in these difficult modern times.

The father of my child won't marry me

I Thought I Was Going to Marry The Father of My Child. He Says He Has No Plans for Us to Marry. Need Advice!

“I feel like all that we’re missing is us getting married. So one night, after a bottle of wine, I asked him when he planned on us getting married and he told me he didn’t plan to marry me.”

I Thought I Was Going to Marry The Father of My Child. He Says He Has No Plans for Us to Marry. Need Advice! Read More »

12 Reasons to Wait For The Man Who Chooses You Every day

Instead of trying to change a man to fit your ideal guy, try waiting for the man who has no problem making you a priority without any prompting from you. Women like to find a man they believe is perfect and try to convince these men that they are the women for them. (Guilty of this by the way, because hey! Some guys just seem so awesome, right?). Well, the truth is, men can’t be convinced to love someone and to be honest, no girl should want a man like that anyway. So, here are the reasons you need to wait for a man who chooses you, and only you, every day! 1. He is ready to commit You deserve a guy who isn’t around to play games. Someone who is ready to settle down because you are the girl he wants to be with. You need relationships like this or guys will just come and go because they aren’t ready and they will end up just ripping your heart to pieces. I’m not saying you shouldn’t date, but make sure if you decide to settle down that you are with a guy who is serious about you and wants

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To The Girl Who is Perpetually Single, There is Nothing Wrong With You

Are you happy? Not everyone needs a significant other in their life to fill fulfilled.  And that’s okay. Being single isn’t a problem and you need to remember that. Relationships are a lot of work and to be honest sometimes not worth the time. When you are single you don’t have to worry about anyone else but yourself, and that is important. You are growing up, you’re learning about yourself and you’re working on your future. There is no need for a man to help you do this if anything they only hinder your self-love and growth as a young woman. Of course, though, that doesn’t mean that you don’t want a boyfriend, but you being single has nothing to do with you. It shows that you aren’t settling, it shows that you are waiting for a man that gets you, that you have fun with and who you see as more than just someone you can take home for a night. You are looking for something more but until you find that you’re going to have fun and that is completely okay! You go out every night! or you stay in and watch Netflix, whatever is your thing, do

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You May Have Broken Me, But I Was Strong Enough to Start Over

It may seem like you will never get over the hurt, but you will.  Stronger and wiser. It took me a long time to get over you and what you did to me. It was like I let a person hold my heart who had no business doing so and of course it was kicked, stabbed and crushed right before my eyes. Now looking back, I should have known better, but I wanted someone to love me. Because for some reason, I was missing that love for myself. I was looking so hard in the wrong places for love that your sweet lies of how much you cared, passed right over my sane judgement. I knew you were different but I should have known it was in a bad way. You took every part of me and proved to me if you give the wrong person power they will destroy you and will do so with no mercy. You took advantage of me and my kind heart and I was so broken I didn’t see it sooner, but now I do. I see all the hate, lies and misery that were hiding within your soul. And instead of you figuring

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5 Signs You Picked the Wrong Guy To Move In With

WTF Signs From Him After You Move In When you move in with someone, your relationship will change. Sometimes the change is as small as having to share closet space. Other times it gives you brand new, and possibly relationship-changing information, about the man you’ve just moved in with. This article outlines five red flags that you should take seriously if you notice them after you’ve moved in with your boyfriend. 1. He quits his jobIf you move in with a man and soon after he decides to quit his job, this is a red flag. If he didn’t discuss his decision with you and if he has no job lined up for after he quits, these are two issues that will need to be discussed. If he has no new job leads and plans to spend time finding himself, you may be the only one in the household working for months. As a couple it’s important to discuss these things before action is taken. 2. You catch him snooping through your thingsLiving together does not mean that you lose all of your privacy. If you find your boyfriend going through your phone, computer, or journal, this is a red

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Why the No Contact Rule is Necessary After a Breakup

The initial stage of a breakup is where we are the most venerable. Breakups are hard. We can end up feeling empty, desperate, or like we have lost a piece of ourselves.  And sometimes we will do something foolish to get it back. Many recent dumpees have an excruciating tendency to focus all of their energy on their ex. What is he doing? Who is she with? What can I do to get him back? How can I make her love me again? This is a natural, understandable response to heartbreak, but it is not healthy. What is No Contact? The No Contact Rule is as severe as it sounds. Disconnect from your ex entirely. Do not see your ex. Do not call your ex. Do not text or email your ex. Unfriend your ex on Facebook and unfollow him or her on Twitter. The only way to begin the healing process is to take a clean break; cut the cord and do not attempt to remain friends. Yes, the No Contact Rule is harsh and extremely difficult, but it will pay off in the end. The No Contact Rule typically speeds up the healing and moving on process, especially

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11 Signs You’re Assertive AF

Women who take charge of their lives and refuse to be disrespected often get a bad rap, but they know life is better when you speak up for yourself. Fortunately, women are born with this strength but we’re taught at a young age not to use it It takes time to get to a point where we’re confident enough to be assertive and just an all-around badass. 1. “Bitch!” You’ve been called a bitch, often – and you don’t give a shit. Even in 2019, some people are surprised when a woman stands up for herself. They feel like their authority has been challenged and will often call the woman being assertive and standing her ground a bitch. This term being lopped at you doesn’t stop you from speaking up for yourself. 2. You’re confident AF When you’re confident about what you’re saying, people tend to listen to what you have to say. Unfortunately, some people see your confidence as being bitchy or full of yourself. This does not bother you. You know what you need and refuse to apologize for voicing your desires or concerns. 3. Double standards don’t stop you You know that if a man acted in

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