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25 Pagan-Inspired Baby Names for Girls That Bring the Witchy Vibes

If you are a parent intent on thinking outside the box, a great way to start is by considering baby names that reflect your own beliefs and values. Names inspired by nature, mythology, Paganism, and witches are on the rise as many new parents want names for their child that hold deeper personal meaning than traditional names. For the many who are more spiritual and less religious, these baby names should appeal as they impart nature-vibes rather than expressly theological ones.

We decided to look to goddesses from around the world, animal-names, and Pagan or Wiccan derivatives for inspiration. These names evoke the unlocked magic that exists in this world. Additionally, these names sound excellent, bursting with beauty and character while still bringing the witchy vibes you are hoping to find. Check out these 25 Wiccan and Pagan-inspired names for girls that hold the magic any parent and their child will love.

25. Antheia

25 Wiccan and Pagan-Inspired Baby Names for Girls

Antheia is one of the attendants of the Greek goddess, Aphrodite. She was the demigoddess of flowers which brings this fabulous name its meaning: “flowery.”

24. Soleil

A handsome French word-name popularized in the US via former child TV star Soleil Moon Frye, AKA Punky Brewster. Soleil is pronounced so-LAY and means “sun.” If you’re looking for a sunny name that’s full of warmth, this would be the right choice.

23. Cybele

Cybele was the Anatolian mother goddess which opens up the cute nickname option, Billie. This name is pronounced SIB-el-ee and unfortunately, it is often confused with Sybil (which is also a great name!). Cybele has both French and Greek origins and means “mother of all gods.”

22. Demeter

Demeter, the Greek goddess of grain, agriculture, and the harvest, growth, and nourishment, was Zeus’s sister and Persephone’s mother. Variation Demetria is the full name of actress Demi Moore. Demeter is a name that’s on the rise as many parents see its obvious charms. The name has come to means “earth mother.”

21. Maeve

Maeve is a name of Irish origin and was the name of a warrior queen over there. Maeve appears in Irish mythology in two forms, one as the influential Queen of Connacht, the other as the queen of the fairies. Maeve of Connacht was a warrior queen, famous for starting a war in attempt to steal her ex-husband’s stud bull. The meaning of the name is “she who intoxicates.” Some might even call that bewitching.

20. Juno

Juno is an ancient name that feels as fresh. The moniker has Latin origins and means “queen of the heavens.” Juno was the sister and wife (gross!) of Jupiter, and the mother of Mars and Vulcan. The patron goddess of Rome and protector of women and marriage.

19. Morrigan

Morrigan is the name of three Irish sister-goddesses primarily associated with themes as battle and sovereignty. She can turn into a crow among other animals, completing her image as a goddess of death. You’ll more commonly hear her sister-name Morgan who was a legendary Arthurian sorceress. Both are exceptional names, but Morrigan offers a touch more variety today.

18. Medea

In Greek mythology, Medea was a sorceress from Colchis who helped Jason gain the Golden Fleece. They were married, but eventually, Jason left her for another woman. For revenge Medea slew Jason’s new lover and also had her own children by Jason killed. No one is going to mess with a girl named Medea! This Greek name means “to plan.”

17. Runa

Runa is an Old Norse name that is a form of Rune which means “secret.” The name can also mean “sixth month” in the Arabic tradition. Runa would be a welcome alternative to Luna which has skyrocketed in popularity over the past few years.

16. Sirona

Celtic Sirona was a healing goddess associated with healing springs. She was often depicted with eggs or snakes. Healing shrines and temples were erected across Europe in honor of the goddess. The name has Gaulish origins and probably comes from roots that mean “star” and “to belong.”

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15. Thalia

Thalia was one of the Three Graces in Greek mythology, and also the Muse of comedy and pastoral poetry, making this a Hellenic choice worthy of consideration. This downright gorgeous name means “to flourish.” It’s correctly pronounced THAH-lee-ah but be prepared to defend that fact.

14. Nimue

In the Arthurian legend, Nimue was the sorceress who stole Lancelot when he was an infant. She was also instrumental in Merlin’s downfall. This name means “memory.” If you’ve ever heard of the mythic “Lady of the Lake,” that lady is Nimue.

13. Fortune

Born Violet Mary Firth in 1890, Dion Fortune was a British occultist and author, thought of by many as a modern-day witch. She wrote prolifically about the occult in both fiction and non-fictional works. She was the foremost figure in early 1900s British occultism.  In mythology, Fortune was the Roman goddess of “good fate” which gives this name its meaning.

12. Isobel

Tried and executed for witchcraft in 1662, Isobel Gowdie is notable for her full confession, which she gave of her own volition, without being tortured like so many other women of the time. Isobel claimed to be “entertained” by the Queen of the Fairies, in her home “under the hills.” Isobel is the Scottish spelling of Isabel, a name that comes from Elizabeth.

11. Malin

Known as the Great Noise, the largest witch trial in Swedish history brought forth a tenacious Swedish widow. In July 1676, Malin Matsdotter was reported for witchcraft by her daughters who claimed Malin took them took Satanic Sabbaths. She maintained her innocence until the very end when she was burned alive, becoming Sweden’s only known woman to suffer the fate. Malin is a name found across Scandinavia and it means “from Magdela” or “high tower.”

10. Moneta

Many people would link this name to money, but Moneta was the Roman goddess of memory. Moneta was used as an epithet Moneta that was used for Juno which came from the Greek moneres, meaning “alone” or “unique.” Juno was the goddess of funds, and thus moneta became associated with money and coinage. The words “money” and “mint” in English, as well as many other European languages, are derived from moneta. However, the name means “to remind.”

9. Brigid

Brigid is the name of three Celtic sister-goddesses who offer various functions for society, such as healing, poetry, and smithcraft. Her name means “exalted one.” This name is the perfect alternative to Brigette and it is a beloved Irish classic.

8. Persephone

Persephone is the Greek daughter of Demeter, who was kidnapped by Hades and forced to marry him. In wintertime, she lives with the King of the Dead in the underworld, and in the spring, she is allowed to visit her mother, ushering in a new season of fertility. The name has found favor in the US lately and is now ranked in the top 1000 which is curious considering it means “bringer of death.”

7. Anaka

Anaka is an interesting name that could work as a play on Annika. Anaka, also called Anuket or Anukis meaning “embracer,” was the divine personification of the Nile in Egypt.

6. Aura

In Greek mythology, Aura was the Titan of the breeze and the fresh, cool air of the early morning. But at odds with her peaceful character, the mythological Aura is a tragic figure, ultimately metamorphosed into a fountain by Zeus. This name means “soft breeze.”

5. Willow

The Willow tree has long been associated with magic and the supernatural. Willow from Buffy the Vampire Slayer was a function of that fact, not the originator. That’s not to say she wasn’t our favorite character on the show! The willow is believed by the Romani to possess the ability to heal the sick and rejuvenate the aged. Willow is an English name that means…. “willow tree.”

4. Charis

One of the Greek Graces, Charis was the goddess of charm, creativity, and nature. Charis thus means “grace” in the Greek tradition. If you’re looking for an alternative to the name Charity, this would be the one.

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3. Amethyst

Amethyst, the purple birthstone for February, has never been in the top 1000 but could have some appeal, joining similarly-hued Violet and Lilac, all of which make great names for Aquarius babies or names for February babies. If you’re into crystals, this name would be absolutely perfect.

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2. Brita

Brita (also spelled, Britta) makes our list for a couple of reasons. Firstly, the name has origins in both Gaelic and Swedish as a form of Brigid and Birgit. It too shares its meaning with Brigid as “exalted one” or “high goddess.” The Swedish form means “strength.”

As with Malin Matsdotter, Brita Zipple and Anna Zipple were also caught up in those Swedish witch trials. Brita survived two previous witch trials before being executed as part of the Great Noise. She allegedly cursed everyone involved, including onlookers, before her death.

1. Hecate

Hecate was the Greek goddess of witchcraft and necromancy. This name is pronounced heh-KAH-teh. The name may mean “willpower” or “far-reaching.” She was often associated with the moon and with storms, making this name a good alternative to more familiar names like Selena, Luna, and Tempest. Hecate will likely turn heads, in a good way.

There you go! 25 bold and charismatic names for girls inspired by Paganism, witchcraft, and the occult. We hope you enjoyed this list and will choose a name that stands out rather than fits in.

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