Mamas Uncut

Dear Moms, I Feel Overwhelmed by Motherhood—Has Anyone Felt Like This Before?


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QUESTION: I feel overwhelmed by motherhood: Has anyone felt like this before?

I have three kids and just found out that I am pregnant again. As happy as I am about the thought of having another child, I cannot help but feel overwhelmed. I do everything on my own. My husband works 12 hour days.”

I feel like I have no one to talk to about this because everyone just tells me, ‘This is what happens when you have sex’ or ‘You made your bed now lie in it.’ I am handling things on my own, but people make me feel weak for needing help or feeling overwhelmed. Has anyone ever felt like this?

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Dear Moms, I Feel Overwhelmed by Motherhood—Has Anyone Felt Like This Before?

Community Answers

The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

“You are not alone. I just had my 4th a month ago and it gives me anxiety that my husband goes back to work next week and I have to do everything myself. It was stressful before with 2 kids online and my 3-year-old. I usually have help but with COVID, I have to manage. It helps to get even 2 minutes of breathing in a quiet place. It feels super overwhelming. Hang in there.”

“Hell yes, every single day. I am a biological mom to 2 and a bonus mom to 3, all girls ranging from 18 to 8. You are not weak, you are tired, you are worn down and for god’s sakes, we all know you aren’t taking care of yourself like you should, none of us are but you are validated in how you feel. Motherhood is overwhelming and one of the most rewarding jobs I have ever had. I go on no sleep and then make myself sick being tired because the kids or the husband need something, but when they are at the top and feeling great, I know I gave my all in hopes they feel more than I did when I was younger. Please feel free to post more here. Tell it how it is, open up, vent, and for god’s sake, go get a foot rub and when you are able, a bottle of wine and have a little you time. YOU DESERVE IT, mom!!”

“I have 4 kids close in age and I work full-time and a single mommy, you got this.”

“I only have 2 and I feel like this often. It’s normal but I bet you’re doing better than you ever thought you could even if you don’t know it.”

“I think all moms have felt like this at some point. Don’t let anyone tell you to suck it up. You’re a mom but you’re still human. You need to try to get out once in a while, even if it’s just lunch with a friend. I have taught my children that as much as I love spending time with them, I require time by myself. I’ll have them go play video games for an hour while I eat in bed. I’m currently 9 months pregnant with my 3rd so I understand where you’re coming from. My point in this is simple, take care of yourself so you can take care of them.”

“Almost every Mom feels that way at some point. Raising kids is hard. Make time for yourself. Little things can help a lot. Date night. Coffee or drinks with friends. Just going for a drive.”

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