Mamas Uncut

What Do You Think? Am I Overreacting About My Mother-In-Law Giving My 7-Month-Old Child Bread?

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QUESTION: Am I overreacting about my mother-in-law giving my child bread?

“Hey, my mother-in-law gave bread to my 7-month-old in my absence…to which I clearly don’t agree…I told her..and she is all emotional about it. Am I overprotective or possessive about my child? I just want him to develop good food habits as much as possible…and read that bread too early isn’t good for infants.”

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What Do You Think? Am I Overreacting About My Mother-In-Law Giving My 7-Month-Old Child Bread?

Community Answers

The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

“She should ask. But don’t ruin your relationship over it. Don’t sweat the small stuff.”

“So I let my babies teeth on buttered toast. I don’t see an issue, but make your opinions known. But no need to hinder a relationship over it. Baby led weaning is an awesome way to start feeding. We started at 6 months and my kids love most all foods.”

“My mom gave my eldest daughter a chocolate ice cream cone at 8 months old. I lost my freaking mind. It’s become this huge joke, my mom just wanted to spoil her granddaughter and break my boundaries. My mom definitely has. My child is 20 years old now. Life is good. It’s all about perspective. Much love, moms.”

“You are the mother. You have every right to tell ANYONE you don’t want your kids doing something or you don’t want them eating certain things. If they can’t respect that they can’t respect you.”

“The fact that she told you about it means she didn’t know.”

“As long as your child is sitting up, it’s fine to eat. The only thing under a year to avoid is honey. This is our health Canada recommendations. Look into baby-led weaning. At 7 months, my son was shoving whole pieces of toast in his mouth.”

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