Mamas Uncut

YouTubers Share Footage of What Is Believed to Be Gabby Petito’s Van Parked on the Side of a Trail on August 27

In another update published to YouTube this morning, a group of YouTubers who go by the name Red White and Bethune has revealed that they believe they saw Gabby Petito and Brian Laundrie‘s white van while filming footage for their YouTube page. They are now sharing that footage on their channel.

It’s important to make this very clear, law enforcement has not yet confirmed if this is Gabby Petito’s van.

According to Red White and Bethune, the footage was captured on August 27th, 2021 around 6 or 6:30 p.m. at Spread Creek Dispersed Camping in Grand Teton National Park. This is the last known location of Gabby Petito before she disappeared and two days after her parents heard from her verbally for the last time.

RELATED: TikTok User Reveals She Picked Up Gabby Petito’s Fiancé, Brian Laundrie, While He Was Hitchhiking on August 29 in Wyoming

You Can Watch the Full Video Below:

As the YouTuber wrote in the description portion of their post, they only realized what their cameras captured this past Saturday after the search for Petito started going viral. “We were editing our Sunday video, tonight and we were looking at footage from on August 27th, 2021 around 6:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. in Spread Creek Dispersed Camping. We had passed by a white van with Florida Plates,” they wrote.

Red White and Bethune continued to say that they remember noticing the white van only because they are also “originally from Florida and wanted to stop and say hi. When we passed the van, all the lights were off and it didn’t look like anyone was there. We ended up leaving because we couldn’t find a spot.”

That’s when the YouTubers made a call to action for other campers who were in the same area around the same time. “PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! If you were in the area around this time, check ALL of your footage! You could have some video of her van!!!!!!” Red White and Bethune know this from experience because it was only when some of their followers asked them to take an extra look at their footage, it clicked for them, they did see the van.

“Tonight I was editing our video with footage from August 27th, 2021 at around 6:00 p.m. from the Grand Tetons area. It was in Spread Creek Dispersed Camping land. We passed by a white van and both Kyle and I recognized that they had Florida plates, we are from Florida too, and wanted to stop to say hi, but the van was dark and it didn’t look like there was anyone there. So we kept going. We eventually left and parked upfront in the gravel area. Today, I got a comment from someone on Instagram saying, ‘Please tell your 10k followers about finding gabby!’ I didn’t think much of it, I knew we were in the Tetons area around the 25th but wasn’t sure which day.”

RELATED: Is Gabby Petito’s Fiancé Missing? People Question After Police Say They Can’t Confirm His Whereabouts

While going through their footage and seeing other people reaching out to them letting them know that they saw them in the same area Gabby Petito and Brian Laundrie, the YouTubers admitted they had a chill run down their spine. “Tonight, I was editing our Sunday video and it was of our August 27th footage. I paused my editing and went to lay in bed. I opened Facebook and saw that @fettisonthemove had tagged me in a story asking me to check all my videos from the 25th-27th of August. I INSTANTLY got a bone-chilling feeling,” they continued.

“I leaped up and ran to my laptop. I watched the rest of my footage and sure enough, her van was in the video. We saw the National Park Service [posted] an update that they were looking at activity in the Spread Creek Area of the Tetons. The reason why I am sharing this is because when we left to go up to the gravel lot, we got a message from someone on Instagram saying they saw us drive through the Spread Creek Area and are now following us, watching our videos. We have our logo on the back of the bus with social media stickers. I thought that if other people in the area that day saw us and started watching our videos, they may watch this one and realize that they too may have seen Gabby Petito or Brian Laundrie in the area that day and could lead investigators to find Gabby!”

People were quick to point out the matching stickers on the gas cap on the van. The left photo is a picture of the van shared on Gabby Petito’s Instagram, the right is a screengrab of the footage shared by Red White and Bethune.

YouTubers Share Footage of What Is Believed to Be Gabby Petito's Van Parked on the Side of a Trail on August 27

Do you think it is the same van?

RELATED: Who Is Gabby Petito? Where Is She? And Why Has She Been Linked to a Utah Couple Who Was Murdered?

As Mamas Uncut previously reported, Gabby Petito is still missing and Brian Laundrie’s whereabouts are still unknown. Mamas Uncut will keep publishing updates as the search for Gabby continues.

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