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Is It Weird That My Oldest Daughter Sleeps In the Same Bed as Her Father When She Visits Him?

Is It Weird That My Oldest Daughter Sleeps In the Same Bed as Her Father When She Visits Him?

A mom writes concerned that her oldest daughter apparently sleeps in the same bed as her father when she visits him on weekends. Further worrying her is the fact that this apparently only happens when this daughter is the only child staying at the house.

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A member of the community asks:

“Is it weird that my oldest daughter sleeps in the same bed as her father when she visits?

What would you think if your oldest daughter slept in the same bed as her father on the weekends when she and her sister are there and only when his stepkids are not home? When the stepkids are home he sleeps on the couch. Only her none of the other kids sleep with him…”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Who Is Worried About Her Daughter Sleeping in the Same Bed as Her Father

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary

The community was split on this topic, with some people saying that they would never allow such behavior to continue while others claimed this mom was overreacting. Read some of their responses below.

“Nope, nope and nope… Watch other behaviours like gifts and such for the eldest child, don’t allow it. I’d say it would be different if it was all the kids, or happened as normal when the other children were there too… but that is suspect.”

“Yes I wouldn’t allow it. And it’s incredibly odd that it’s only the oldest and only when the other kids aren’t there. Id put child in therapy as a therapist will be able to determine if anything is wrong and how daughter feels about it through play therapy and it will be less harsh trying to get details yourself.”

“My 8 year old sleeps with her dad in her bed they have a strong bond and honestly I wouldn’t care if she was 16 and still sleeping with him. They watch Disney movies and shows and play xbox together it’s their thing, honestly I see nothing wrong with a daughter loving her daddy. If you suspect otherwise I’d be talking one on one with him but in a previous comment they stated you left a lot out and you did, so before assuming anything I’d just talk to her dad. I couldn’t be more thrilled my husband and daughter share the bond that they do, they love each other.”

“Wow. I wonder if this poor Dad knows he’s about to be the target of a witch-hunt..? People here drawing crazy conclusions with like, ZERO relevant info. I can’t even.”

“You’re leaving out way too many details to make people jump to the same conclusion as you. It’s his biological child, no? So why don’t you talk to your child and her father about it. If your child is not uncomfortable, maybe she just likes to be a daddy’s girl and snuggle. Don’t lead her to think he’s bad because you think something is weird that may not even be. As long as you’re aware of the signs of abuse and she isn’t displaying those and you’re paying attention, thinking something is weird isn’t always what you think it is.”

“I wouldn’t say it’s weird at all, boys snuggle their Mama’s when they’re a bit older why is it weird for a girl to be close to her father? Unless she’s acting weird about it and complains I see no issue.”

“That’s not appropriate, I agree with you. Therapy may be able to help.”

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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