Mamas Uncut

Q&A: Is It Normal That My 9-Month-Old Still Doesn’t Have Any Teeth?

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“My daughter is 9.5 months, and she still has a gummy bear smile and no signs of teething anytime soon. Is that normal? I did breastfeed my daughter for the first seven months, and now she’s formula-fed. Is that gonna make any delay? Getting taunts by sister in law and husband’s brother that teething delay is just because I stopped breastfeeding my poor baby.

RELATED: What Can I Feed a 9-Month-Old Baby Who Has No Teeth?

Is It Normal That My 9-Month-Old Doesn't Have Any Teeth
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Community Answers

The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

“Don’t rush it, they will come in when they are ready. I always worried because both of my kids didn’t lose their first tooth till they were 7.”

“My kids all got them at different times my grandson will 7 months old still no teeth but that may change don’t listen to them.”

“My daughter didn’t get her first tooth until she was 11 months old.”

“Honey every baby is different. My son is seven months old and still has no teeth. My niece didn’t have teeth until she’s one! How you choose to feed your child does not affect [them] they are growth in development unless there’s a medical issue.”

“Ask a dental hygienist, I’ll tell you that every child is different. Some children get their teeth early and some late. Don’t stress it, they will come.”

“My son was formula feed and got his 1st tooth at 4 months, my daughter is breastfeed and still no teeth at 6 months.”

“Both of my kids got their teeth later but my daughter was over a year old when she finally got any!”

“My one son had like 6 teeth before his first birthday. My second born got his first tooth a week before his first birthday. They all teeth different and both of them were formula fed.”

“Mine had none until 11 months now at 15 months she has 6 and the came in random two bottom than a eye tooth then another bottom and finally top two.”

“I’m sure it’s normal. Every child is different. My 1st had 2 teeth at 2 months. And my 2nd is currently teething at 2 months.”

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