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Backstreet Boy Nick Carter Files Restraining Order Against Brother Aaron, Who Allegedly Threatened to Kill His Pregnant Wife and Kids

Aaron Carter Threatened to Kill Brother Nick Carter's Pregnant Wife and Kids

Aaron Carter has been suffering from mental health issues for years, recently going on The Doctors to reveal he’s been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, manic depression, acute anxiety and schizophrenia. and has been prescribed with numerous medications. Despite the past medical interventions, Aaron’s family is extremely concerned about his well-being, as well as their own. His brother, Nick Carter, most famously known as one of the Backstreet Boys, recently filed a restraining order against Aaron after he threatened to kill his wife, Laura.

The unsettling accusation was made after Aaron had a Facetime conversation with his sister where he revealed his diagnoses and said he has had thoughts about killing babies in addition to thoughts of hurting Nick’s wife.

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In the filing, Nick wrote, “I need an injunction because I fear for my safety, the safety of my wife and children, and the safety of my wife’s parents. I am afraid he will listen to the voices in his head and cause harm to my family.”

Aaron denies his brothers claims, saying, “I am astounded at the accusations being made against me and I do not wish harm to anyone, especially my family.”

A judge has issued a temporary restraining order, requiring Aaron to be at least 100 yards away from Nick and his family.

Aaron opened up to his fans on social media following The Doctors interview, saying “I’m not perfect. But I’m doing my best to grow and learn from all my mistakes just like every other person in this world to anyone that I’ve hurt I’m sorry I’m learning and growing tell my friends that know me I love you with all my heart.”

“I’m a good person,” he continued. “I’ve worked my whole life and had crazy ups and downs and then been broke on my ass multiple times so I’m proud of where I am today and I’m doing my best to be the patriarch of my family. It’s not easy being the youngest but I love my family.”

The Carter family told TMZ that they hope to use the restraining order to get Aaron into a treatment center. However, it’s unlikely that will work unless there’s a clear, extreme threat, including firearms, and it becomes clear Aaron is threat to himself or others as a result.

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