Mamas Uncut

BREAKING: Nick Cannon Reveals Heartbreaking Tragedy as He Remembers His Youngest Son, Zen

On December 7, Nick Cannon used his talk show to make a heartbreaking announcement. According to the father of 7, his youngest child has passed away.

In his statement, Nick Cannon revealed that he “had a very tough weekend.” During every episode of his self-named talk show, Cannon shares a “Pic of the Day.” During this episode, the father shared a picture of his youngest child, his son, Zen Scott Cannon.

nick cannon

While Cannon attempted to remain upbeat, soon after looking at his son’s photo he broke down. “Before the show started in the summertime, Zen was born in June, on June 23, actually. And it was a great day, as you know I got a lot of kids,” Cannon continued.

“During the summer it was exciting… but I always noticed he had like a sinus thing, like a cough. And I just wanted to check it out,” Cannon explained. “But he always had this really interesting breathing.”

However, when Zen was about two months, some of the attributes that made Zen an adorable baby also worried Cannon. As the father described, Zen had the biggest eyes and also a larger-than-average-sized head.

You Can Watch Nick Cannon’s Full Statement Below:

As Cannon continued, most of his children, including him when he was an infant, had a “Cannon” head. So while he didn’t think too much about the size of Zen’s head, combined with the way he breathed, Cannon and Zen’s mother, Alyssa, did take him to see a doctor.

Sadly, what they expected to be a routine check-up was anything but. “We found out he had another condition, where there was fluid building up in his head.”

In the end, Zen was diagnosed with a malignant tumor and he was immediately rushed into surgery. A shunt was put into Zen’s cranium and as Cannon revealed, “they hoped for the best.”

Nick Cannon went on to say from that moment on he embraced every moment he had with his Zen and basked in the moment when his other children got to love on his youngest son as well. “I’m so grateful to my entire family for coming together during this time and being so loving and not judgmental of me.”

Nick then continued to praise Zen’s mother, Alyssa Scott, for the strength she showed during this difficult time. She’s “the strongest woman I’ve ever seen cause she never had an argument, never was angry, was emotional when she needed to be, but was always the best mom and continues to be the best mom possible.”

It was Thanksgiving when Zen took a turn for the worst. “It was cancer in the brain and the tumor began to grow a lot faster.”

After spending this past weekend together as a family, Cannon and Alyssa took Zen to the water on Sunday, December 5. “Holding my son for the last time, it was a beautiful setting. Not only did we get to see the sun rise, but we got to see the sun set.”

Cannon offered thanks and gratitude to the doctors and nurses at the Children’s Hospital of Orange County, who cared for his little boy. Cannon went on to say he is finding strength in his faith in God.

Our thoughts and prayer are with Nick, Alyssa, and the rest of their families.

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