
Actress Shay Mitchell Does the 'Baby Mama Dance' to Try to Induce Labor Now That She's 'Officially Overdue'

Actress Shay Mitchell Does the ‘Baby Mama Dance’ to Try to Induce Labor Now That She’s ‘Officially Overdue’

“I’m officially overdue and trying everything… dancing, extra spicy Prince Street pizza, turmeric ice cream (although Matte seems to be having more of it than I do). If the Baby Mama Dance won’t work, what will??”

Actress Shay Mitchell Does the ‘Baby Mama Dance’ to Try to Induce Labor Now That She’s ‘Officially Overdue’ Read More »

Celebs get real about parenting

“You Love Them and You Can’t Stand Them Sometimes”: The Best Parenting Tips from Kate Hudson, Reese Witherspoon, and more

Sometimes celebs prove they’re more “like us” than we might think. Like when they drop pearls of parenting wisdom that pretty much all of us can agree are universally true.

“You Love Them and You Can’t Stand Them Sometimes”: The Best Parenting Tips from Kate Hudson, Reese Witherspoon, and more Read More »

This is what most parents remember from their school days

This Is The Thing Most Parents Remember About Their School Days

With Labor Day come and gone, and the first days of a new school year in the bag, many parents find themselves wistfully recalling their most vivid school memories. The things most parents remembered most fondly have nothing to do with classes. (Sorry, teachers!) Smuckers — yep, the jam company — ran a survey of 2,000 parents of school-aged kids. Many parents shared that they remembered the suspect cafeteria food, the nervousness of unlocking a locker for the first time and getting lost on the first day of high school. Passing notes in class and trading snacks with friends were also fondly recalled. YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: Let’s Celebrate Back to School: Mom’s Hilarious Photo Captures First Day of School Relief! But the biggest memories were of more mundane things — and interestingly, things that their kids will likely not get to experience. The most common: packing a brown bag lunch. And in that lunch? A PB & J sandwich said more than 50 percent of survey respondents. Today, with peanut allergies on the rise, many school districts have strict no-nut policies in effect, so PB&J’s are a thing of the past … at least when it comes to munching at school. Another

This Is The Thing Most Parents Remember About Their School Days Read More »

Woman's Uses Retirement Savings to Buy Grandparents new house

Woman Uses Her Retirement Savings To Give Grandparents The Ultimate Gift: A New Home

Kahealani Paradis had always dreamed of buying a new house — not for herself, but for her grandparents. So she decided to use her savings to give her grandparents a new home. YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: Woman Surprises Grandpa With Lady Gaga Tickets, and His Reaction Is Too Pure for This World Just like the many generations that came before them, Kahealani’s Hawaiian grandparents had never lived with electricity or running water. Instead, they lived off the land in Hawaii. Their lives were about their family and their island heritage. In a Facebook post, Kahealani described her feelings upon giving her grandparents a new home: “They persevered through hardships & never complained about what they didn’t have. They’ve done so much for so many people & never expect anything in return. They’ve sacrificed so much for me and raised me to know that it is always better to give than to receive…. that it ain’t all about the money in your pocket, but about sticking together as a family & loving each other unconditionally. I will never be able to truly express my gratitude & love for them (because it’s infinite!) but I will spend my life trying!” Kahealani wanted

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Pregnant mare gives birth and herd comes running

Pregnant Mare Goes Into Labor and The Herd Comes Running When The Foal Drops To The Ground

Scott and Sarah’s ranch in Spain has a natural herd of more than 50 stunning horses. The natural herd environment means the horses freely roam the ranch’s amazing pastures. And sometimes they have pregnant mares. YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: Chip Gaines Surprised Family with an English Mastiff Puppy The couple recently bought a new camera, and their first video captures the miracle of birth and the first minutes of life of a newborn foal.  Watch in awe as a pregnant Azteca mare gives birth to her baby who plops onto the grass in his sac membrane. This is something unique and incredible to behold.  As the newborn stands up on his wobbly legs, takes his first steps, and nurses from his mother, the other mares gather around and are excited by this brand new baby making his way into the world. The other mares even protect the new foal by keeping the pesky stallion away. One commenter captures the spirit of the video: “Lovely to see the horses in their natural environment with the stallion being able to live with his mares!” Check out this awesome moment caught on video!

Pregnant Mare Goes Into Labor and The Herd Comes Running When The Foal Drops To The Ground Read More »

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