
Devil Baby Sonogram

This Mom-to-Be’s Sonogram Is Shockingly Scary, But We’re Glad She Loves Her ‘Devil Baby’ Nonetheless

Iyanna Carrington recently got an image of what she now dubs, “devil baby.” In the sonogram, the baby is looking right at the Doppler, her eyes wide open and wearing what looks like a big grin on her face.

This Mom-to-Be’s Sonogram Is Shockingly Scary, But We’re Glad She Loves Her ‘Devil Baby’ Nonetheless Read More »

Contract signing

MIL Drafts Contract Over How Many Kids Bride and Groom Can Have

We all know our in-laws can step over the line in all sorts of ways, but weddings are especially notorious.  People bring out their freak flags during wedding planning in unimaginable ways – and this MIL is no exception.     After all, it doesn’t take much for a wedding to go from your wedding to theirs in a blink of an eye.  This becomes especially tricky if the in-laws are the ones paying. Such was the harsh reality of soon to be bride after her future MIL offered to pay for her wedding.  Midway through planning FMIL asked both her and her fiancé to sign a contract promising they would only have one child.   Maybe the bride should have known about the “one kid” clause before she agreed to the wedding! YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: This Bride Canceled Her Wedding to Spite Her Mother-In-Law – and the Internet Loves Her for It Bride wanted to elope but MIL wanted a big wedding and planned one with 6 digit price tag The bride explained in her recently deleted Reddit post that she was surprised when her fiancé’s mom volunteered to pay for the wedding.  “She’s mainly the one who wanted it to be

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Facebook post of trash with $5 beneath it

Busy Mom’s Experiment to Get Husband and Kids to Help Clean Up Epically Fails

We all feel this mom’s pain.  Miranda Crimbring, mom of three, is sick of being the only one to clean up after her family. So she decided to try something new. Only the busy mom’s experiment to teach her kids and husband a lesson in the basics of helping around the house epically failed! The internet is cracking up over it, because we all can relate. Crimbring dubbed her experiment the “Who Will Pick Up the Random Piece of Trash That They KNOW Isn’t Supposed to Be There” challenge.  She simply put a piece of trash in the middle of her bathroom floor with $5 taped beneath it.  She waited to see who of her kids and husband would claim their $5 prize.  As you can imagine the trash stayed there, $5 and all. YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: This New Mom Secretly ‘Tested’ Her Loved Ones Before Allowing Them to Babysit, and Now the Internet Thinks She’s the Worst Let’s admit it moms, we ALL have tried some version of this.  Mine came in the form of trash barricades.  My teen son is supposed to take out the trash and always says he “doesn’t see it”.  Frustrated over the selective blindness, I

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Back to school supplies

Let’s Celebrate Back to School: Mom’s Hilarious Photo Captures First Day of School Relief!

For parents, the back-to-school season is the super stressful storm before the calm.   It’s not easy to get all the items on their supply lists, the perfect back-to-school outfits, and more.   Not only do you have to make sure your kids have everything they need to succeed on day one, but you often have to fight heinous crowds to do so. Once those chores are done, it’s time to figure out lunches and carpools! There are so many details, and most expect moms to take care of them all. That’s why for many, once you finish that drop off line or watch your child board that school bus you can take that much needed sigh of relief! Still, year after year, parents, especially moms somehow make it happen. YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: Packing Lunches Is The Worst Thing About Kids Being Back At School Survey Confirms After a long summer of entertaining the kids, parents are sending them back to the classroom where they learn and grow….and no one is more excited than parents. Shawna Genua from Florida decided to take back to school to a new level. She gathered some of her friends to take a picture celebrating that

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Mom Makes Son Try on Condoms Before College

This Mom Made Her Son Try on Condoms for Fit Before Sending Him Off to College, and the Response Has Been… Mixed

Getting ready to go off to college typically requires some major shopping and checking things off of to-do lists. In the case of one family, though, it also required an unconventional safe sex conversation.  An 18-year-old turned to Reddit to share his embarrassing back-to-school story. In the since-deleted post, he said his mom talked to him about practicing safe sex and the importance of wearing condoms.  YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: A Married Man Matched With His Own Wife on Tinder, and Yeah, Things Got Awkward According to this teen, his mother had already purchased condoms. She then asked him to “put it on and let her know if it fits.”  via GIPHY The teenager, naturally, was quite embarrassed. “I was taken aback and quite frankly, I was speechless as a result of this conversation that was taking place,” he wrote. “Can someone please give me some advice here, I have no idea how to tell my mom that she needs to take a few steps back and that it’s not ok for her to basically ask my size.” Many commenters commended the mom for talking to her son directly about the importance of having safe sex.  via GIPHY “Your mom

This Mom Made Her Son Try on Condoms for Fit Before Sending Him Off to College, and the Response Has Been… Mixed Read More »

11 Signs You’re Assertive AF

Women who take charge of their lives and refuse to be disrespected often get a bad rap, but they know life is better when you speak up for yourself. Fortunately, women are born with this strength but we’re taught at a young age not to use it It takes time to get to a point where we’re confident enough to be assertive and just an all-around badass. 1. “Bitch!” You’ve been called a bitch, often – and you don’t give a shit. Even in 2019, some people are surprised when a woman stands up for herself. They feel like their authority has been challenged and will often call the woman being assertive and standing her ground a bitch. This term being lopped at you doesn’t stop you from speaking up for yourself. 2. You’re confident AF When you’re confident about what you’re saying, people tend to listen to what you have to say. Unfortunately, some people see your confidence as being bitchy or full of yourself. This does not bother you. You know what you need and refuse to apologize for voicing your desires or concerns. 3. Double standards don’t stop you You know that if a man acted in

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Hilarious Parenting Memes

These Hilarious Parenting Memes Will Make You Say, ‘Yes, This Is Exactly My Life’

Let’s be honest: We’ve all had days with our kids that leave us feeling a slew of things, including, but certainly not limited to, “whyyyyyyyyyy though?!,” “I swear I just cleaned that!,” “Hmmm, maybe if I say the park is closed, we can get out of going.” Now, that’s not to say that time with your lovely offspring doesn’t fill your heart with immense joy, it’s just that some moments or days are a bit tougher than others. During those moments, we’re very thankful for hilarious parenting memes that point out just how ridiculous (and wonderful) parenting a small human can be. We recommend you keep these entertaining memes in mind as you’re planning your kids’ summer vacations. Because we know that even though summer is all about “relaxing,” it also means planning approximately one million activities per child and sometimes it’s important just to laugh at the craziness of it all. RELATED: 15 Hilarious Parenting Tweets About Graduation, Summer Break, and the End of the School Year Because you will most likely never understand what, exactly, caused your toddler to totally lose their mind.  View this post on Instagram And the letters A-Z. I know when the meltdown stage

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Simon Holland Parenting Tweets

10 Unbelievably Relatable and Hilarious Parenting Tweets by Simon Holland

If you haven’t yet heard of Simon Holland, we highly recommend you follow him on Twitter or Instagram. A dad of two girls, Simon shares hilarious tweets about parenting and being the odd man out. As he describes on his blog, “I am a lone Y chromosome and am already planning my escape strategy to deal with the estrogen flood that is on its way.” He’s a funny man, for sure, but the root of all comedy is truth, and he certainly hits at the truth with every hilarious parenting tweet. That’s what makes him one of our favorites! Plus, parenting is hard sometimes, so it’s important to laugh about the craziness as much as possible. YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: 17 Hilarious and Relatable Parenting Tweets to Get You Through Your Day Here are some of our favorite Simon Holland parenting tweets. But, seriously, how is that kids ALWAYS find a way to do the most damage in the shortest amount of time? I’m bored, want to find new ways to scratch the floors? Brilliant, let’s go. -my kids — Simon Holland (@simoncholland) June 10, 2019 Dad jokes are rad jokes, always. Remind your kid every now and then that

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Hilarious Parenting Tweets School

15 Hilarious Parenting Tweets About Graduation, Summer Break, and the End of the School Year

Whether you’re gearing up to power through a long preschool graduation ceremony or an even longer summer break, you could probably do with a little humor. Luckily, the Twitterverse is filled with hilarious parenting tweets about school, graduation, and summer break from parents who know exactly what you’re going through. We’ve rounded up our top 15 LOL-worthy graduation and summer break tweets to keep you laughing instead of crying. RELATED: 17 Hilarious and Relatable Parenting Tweets to Get You Through Your Day Graduation We’ve all had to sit through a graduation ceremony. At best, they’re cute, if a bit… long. At worst, they seem interminable and irrelevant. Sounds pretty ripe for jokes to us! Down in Front! She Majored in Primary Colors Pass the Tissues, Mama Martyr Staycation RELATED: 19 Funny and Relatable Parenting Tweets That Will Make You Feel Seen Summer Vacation Ah, summer vacation: the time of year most parents look forward to and dread in equal measure. Sure, at first, it’s nice to get to spend more time with kids, to take family vacations, to find time for fun outdoor activities. But eventually that feeling creeps back in… “When can I send these hooligans back to school

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