Mamas Uncut

My Newborn Daughter Has COVID-19 and I Am So Anxious I Cannot Sleep: Advice?

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QUESTION: My Newborn Daughter Has COVID-19 and I Am So Worried I Cannot Sleep: Advice?

“All I need is advice, please. I am up, cannot sleep, and have not slept for two days. My daughter, who is only six months, tested positive for COVID-19.

I have taken her hospital, and I was returned back. She is coughing terribly, cannot eat, and screams in tears when she wakes up. Please, tell me what to do. I have had so many miscarriages, and this baby was my hope and joy. I don’t think I can survive if anything happens to her.

All I’m desperate for is advice. What can I give her? I’m losing my mind watching her go through what she’s going through, and I have heartaches listening to my husband blaming me.

Please some advice, even if you may post this on our timeline to hear what other mothers had gone through. Please, I am begging for any advice. I stay awake all night holding her just so she’ll sleep because once I put her down, she won’t sleep.”

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My Newborn Daughter Has COVID-19 and I Am So Anxious I Cannot Sleep: Advice?

Community Answers

The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

“My baby stayed so sick with coughs before she got tubes in her ears. I SWEAR by a warm air humidifier with liquid vapor (Vick’s) in it. It’s the only way she would sleep. Do you breastfeed? If not, you could ask local moms to spare some breast milk to help boost her immune system. Praying for you and your baby.”

“Everyone, she is 6 months… please don’t listen to people saying give her this and give her that. Babies this young cannot have certain things. Take her to a children’s hospital. Do not dare let that husband of yours blame you. He’s a POS if he is. Babies and kids get sick!!”

“They should not be turning her away with a 6 month old with these symptoms. Call the on call pediatrician now and do not let up until she is admitted to the hospital.”

“Go back to the hospital and don’t leave. Raise hell. A six month old with COVID-19 needs support.”

“Do not listen to anyone’s advice on here who isn’t a doctor. Bring that baby back as many times necessary if you think something is wrong. Bring them to a different doctor if you don’t think you’re getting proper care.”

“I’m so very sorry this is happening. If you can, try laying her on her belly as much as she can handle it. Fluid can build in the lungs, so if she’s on her belly, it’ll help reduce that risk.”

“Stop panicking because its COVID-19. She can feel you freaking out. It’s no different than her having a bad cold and congested. Do what you would usually do. Calm down. My whole house is currently in quarantine. Only person is positive. My 4 month niece had it as well. Bad cough etc. Her nurse mom treated it as any old cold. Rotate Tylenol and Motrin. Warm baths, Vick’s on bottom of feet, not on her chest, she can suffocate.”

“Different hospital! Definitely a children’s hospital if possible. If she’s in that much distress, she needs professional medical attention. Be assertive! Don’t take no for an answer, you’ll get a lot further!”

“There’s no need for your husband to blame you. You’re already going through enough. He should be helping and supporting you. COVID can happen to anyone even those who are extremely careful. The only thing I’ve heard is not to sleep on your back when you have it. I wish you the best and many prayers for you and your baby.”

“I’m pretty sure you have some good advice here. Here’s another good piece. If your husband is blaming you for anything having to do with that baby’s sickness. He needs to be talked to like a toddler because that’s what he is. You are absolutely doing everything you can, it seems. It sounds like YOU are a wonderful parent!”

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