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New York Police Officer Being Hailed a ‘Baby Whisperer’ After Delivering 5 Babies in 5 Years

New York Police Officer Being Hailed a ‘Baby Whisperer’ After Delivering 5 Babies in 5 Years

via YouTube (Eyewitness News ABC7NY)

Suffolk County Police Sgt. Jon-Erik Negron is being hailed a ‘baby whisperer’ amongst his colleagues after responding to a 911 call of a pregnant woman giving birth in her living room alone. He showed up with three other New York police officers – Jadin Rodriguez, Zachary Vormittag, and Conor Diemer

While police officers delivering a baby is nothing out of the norm, Negron has earned the ‘baby whisperer’ nickname because this was his fifth time delivering a baby – he has only been with the police department for five years. We all have a ‘thing’ we’re known for at work and this just happens to be Negron’s ‘thing.’ 

Most police officers won’t deliver that many babies in their entire career, but Negron has already totaled five. “I thought my childbirth days were over when I became a sergeant this year, but I guess the record lives on, so we’ll see how many we can take it to,” said Negron to reporters, astonished at his milestone.

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On November 26th, the Suffolk County Police Department received a 911 call from a woman who was about to give birth and couldn’t make it to a hospital in time – the baby wasn’t due for three weeks. When Negron arrived with Rodriguez and Vormittag, Diemer was already assisting the mother, Rebecca Reyes.

The moment Negron heard Reyes start to push, his instincts kicked in and he immediately thought to himself – ‘This sounds like something I’ve heard before.’ With the police officers by her side and the father of the child arriving just in time for the childbirth, Reyes gave birth to a healthy and beautiful baby boy. 

“I took the approach just like a coach in this situation. The first four [deliveries], I was there by myself doing it, like these guys were, so I said, ‘Let me supervise and do what I can,’” said Negron. One of the other police officers alluded to their teamwork, noting that they ‘could not have done it without each other.’

Weighing in at 6 lbs. 13 oz., Reyes gave birth to the baby boy at 10:25 a.m. before ambulance personnel arrived to cut the umbilical cord. The mother and baby were healthy, but were sent to Stony Brook Hospital – which is a general procedure. All in all, it turned out to be a hectic, yet memorable day for all.

The ‘Baby Whisperer’ Has Had Much More Hectic Deliveries Before

Compared to some of the other baby deliveries Sgt. Jon-Erik Negron has been involved in, this was a walk in the park – albeit still hectic in its own right. With that said, this delivery was nothing like his first delivery in 2017, when the child’s umbilical cord was wrapped around the little boy’s neck upon arrival. 

Reyes quickly removed the umbilical cord with his hands, but the baby boy still wasn’t breathing. He ended up using a turkey baster to remove the fluid from the child’s throat. His quick response saved that little boy’s life and later resulted in him being named the godfather to the child – a special honor for him. 

There was another delivery in 2017 that welcomed some unique circumstances as the ‘Baby Whisperer’ and a fellow officer were forced to deliver a baby on the side of the road. These are the types of experiences that will make him a better police officer down the road as he continues his career. 

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As for Rebecca Reyes, she’s thankful she didn’t have to give birth to her baby boy alone. “I just want to thank them so much for showing up as soon as they did and being able to help me, because without them, I would’ve given birth to my baby alone,” said Reyes in an interview with reporters after the birth.

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