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25 New Year’s Resolutions You Can Actually Keep

Woman hand writing New year's resolution on note paper in new year day.

New Year’s Eve is a blast; the following day is a time for looking ahead and reflecting on all the goals you accomplished the previous year. Many of us make New Year’s resolutions to help us better ourselves in the coming year. Now, you do not want to set unachievable goals for yourself. There is nothing worse than beating yourself up over a resolution. You must be kinder to yourself, and a way to do that is to choose a beneficial resolution that is not impossible. You can do so many little things to improve yourself and your community.

No dieting, no intense workout goals, and no fuss! We decided to round up dozens of New Year’s resolutions that are relatively easy to keep that require just a little bit of effort on your part. If you’re looking for small steps you can take for betterment, read through our list below and choose a couple of things to try and do more of in the new year!

Make Up That Bed

New Year's Resolutions

Making your bed each morning makes your whole life better. If you’re not someone who does this, get into the habit. It will make your room look less cluttered, which induces stress. Also, you likely have to straighten it at night when all you want to do is sleep. Do yourself a solid and start making up your bed.

Touch Grass

Study after study has revealed that getting outside and enjoying nature helps reduce stress. Even if you don’t think you’re very outdoorsy, a walk around a local park could be just the thing to get some fresh air.

Make Something Grow

Gardening can be intimidating, especially for those of us who don’t have a green thumb. Start with a small houseplant, a cactus, or an air plant. Caring for something green will make you feel accomplished.

Paint Your Home

How about a fresh start for a room in your home as well? Paint a room to give it a refresh. In general, you can knock out a painting project in a weekend. But, you will get to enjoy it for the rest of the year.

Always Carry a Book

If you enjoy reading or want to read more in the new year, make a resolution to read a new book each month. Another great way to stay on track is to join a book club.

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

Many of us do not drink enough water each day. Consider replacing a cup of coffee with a glass of water. Further, add cucumber or other natural flavors to keep things interesting.

Eat Local

We should all be supporting local businesses to sustain the community we live in. Instead of going to that chain restaurant, eat at a locally owned and staffed business. This is one of the most delicious New Year’s resolutions you can make.

Make a Playlist for Each Month

Want to score the soundtrack for your whole year? Start a new playlist to add songs at the start of each month. These can be new discoveries you’re enjoying or old favorites speaking to you. At the end of the ear, you can look back on and reflect on all the music you listened to and loved.

Walk More

While you can set a goal to walk a mile a day, we recommend just taking small steps (a-hem) to get you walking more. Park at the back of the parking lot each time you go to the grocery store. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Take a brief walk on your lunch break. These are easy ways to be more active.

Fully Put Away That Laundry

If your closet looks like trash in general, it’s time to tackle it. Once you get organized, make a resolution to keep it that way and to put things back where they belong. You will not believe the amount of time this saves over the course of a year.

Start Meal Planning

Meal planning is a huge headache for most of us. One way to start is to choose one meal to plan for a week. If breakfasts are difficult, start there and plan out a week of meals. If you often call in delivery for dinner, choose that meal. See how you like it and try and keep it up if you found it a helpful resolution.

Hang Pictures

For some, getting that photo from your phone onto a wall is a huge leap. Start with a handful of photos (you can choose your favorite Instagram posts) and print them. Get frames and find the perfect spot. You will not believe how much this small act will warm up your home.

Keep In Touch

Many of us don’t reach out to those we care about often enough. As a resolution, set out to communicate with folks more often. You can pick any method that is most convenient. This will beautifully strengthen friendships and bonds.

Put That Girl Time On Your Calendar

Time with friends is cherished, and there never seems to be enough of it. Plan that girl time and try and keep it regularly or semiregularly each month at least. Why deprive yourself of being with the ones that get you the best?

RELATED: 75 Inspiring New Year’s Quotes That Express Excitement and Hope for the Future

Practice Meaningful Complimenting

Who does not love getting a good compliment? For your New Year’s resolutions, you can practice more kindness by honestly and meaningfully complimenting those around you. It will boost their mood and yours.

Clean Your Gross Car

You and your family spend a ton of time in your car. Why aren’t you cleaning as frequently as your home? Do a deep clean early in the year and then practice maintaining it every other week or as you see little messes.

Stop Hitting Snooze

You need your rest; we get it, but it can really throw a wrench into your morning if you hit that snooze button once or twice. Wake up on time for a less chaotic start to your day. You will thank yourself after you’ve finished that first cup of coffee.

Start a Journal

Starting a journal can seem like a huge time-suck, especially if you are regularly busy. You can journal a single line each day. That’s all it takes! Record a memory, express an emotion, or take a moment to pat yourself on the back by writing an accomplishment. It’s a small thing you can do that you will love looking back on.

Pick Up a Pen

When was the last time you wrote or received a letter in the mail? Snail mail feels decadent in our highly digital age. Getting a handwritten letter is so special, and you can share that with as many people as you like.

Try New Things

One of the most flexible and fruitful New Year’s resolutions you can choose is to try something new each month. This could be a new (local) restaurant, a recipe, a fitness class, a coffee shop, or anything! This resolution is so easy, and you definitely won’t regret it.

Pick Up a New Hobby

Is there something that you have always wanted to try but have not gotten around to? Hobbies are great ways to entertain yourself; you can commit as much or little time to one as you want. Try your hand at knitting, sign up for a pottery throwing class, start collecting coins, or whatever else might interest you. For this resolution to be kept, ease yourself into things and take things slowly at first. You don’t want to overwhelm yourself and quit.

Organize and Donate

If you’ve got a fair amount of clutter in your home, make a resolution to organize. Start small. Pick a closet to tackle and get it done. Donate items you no longer want or need to a local charity shop. Not only will you be improving your home life, but you will also help others out as well.

Send Physical Birthday Cards

Why is this so much harder than it seems? Sure, you could leave a birthday message on social media, but an actual card is much more special. Buy birthday cards in bulk or buy blank cards to add a personalized birthday message inside. Mail out a week ahead, so you’re not in a last-minute rush. Make a resolution to celebrate the ones you love and you won’t regret it.

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Travel More

Even if you take a short road trip to a neighboring town, getting out of your normal habitat is so much fun. Make a travel bucket list and plan at the start of the year, so you know how to budget and when to request time off. This resolution will not only be fun for you but the entire family!

There you go! We hope you found some New Year’s resolutions to try this year. You don’t have to put yourself through the wringer with a resolution. Make it easy on yourself, and you will have a winning year. If you’d like even more New Year’s content, check out our favorite, funny New Year’s memes. Yes, many of them are about not keeping resolutions!

Best of Luck With That


“Good luck with your new year… ‘resolutions,'” this meme featuring Dr. Evil says. This is one of the best memes about the many of us who will make and then break our New Year’s resolutions. We feel seen.

Cool Idea…


“This New Year’s Eve, at around 11:55 PM, order a pizza for delivery. When it arrives, tell the driver, ‘I ordered this a year ago!” this New Year’s Eve meme says. Will you be giving this a try?



“This year, I resolved to drink less and go to the gym. I made it to the gym,” says this very funny New Year’s meme. At least she’s taking steps in the right direction.

What If?


“What if everyone actually has plans for New Year’s Eve, and they just wanna exclude me from them,” this meme says. It’s the meme version of being gobsmacked by a truth you just realized for yourself.

Good Night, Queen


“And now it’s that sad time of year when Mariah Carey must return to the ocean, only to re-emerge next Christmas,” this funny after-Christmas meme says. Will you miss her while she’s gone?

Never Change


“New year, same old me,” this grumpy cat New Year’s meme says. Cheers to the folks who keep it real and don’t mess around with any aspirations.

A Revelation


“Dude, New Year’s is like time’s birthday,” this half-baked New Year’s meme says. Maybe he is on to something.

Every Year


“I always thought the NY New Year’s Eve ball drop was lame. Every year it is reconfirmed,” this sad bear meme says. This meme is for all the NYE grinches of the world. It’s okay to be you.



“My friends tonight / Me tonight,” this New Year’s Eve meme says, imagining two different NYE experiences. Which one are you?

A Timeline


We find Baby Yoda doing some heavy lifting in this New Year’s meme that chronicles the minute leading up to, during, and after the clock strikes twelve. Does this look like you?

The NYE Boycott


“Boycott kissing men at midnight. It’s New Year’s Eve, not New Year’s Steve,” this very silly tweet says. We love when tweets like this go viral.



“Me during that weird time between Christmas and New Year’s where I don’t even know what day it is: Do you have a plan? I don’t even have a ‘pla,'” this very silly meme says with an assist from Friends. Can you relate?

Points Were Made


“There are literally NO rules saying your New Year’s resolutions can’t be for evil,” Ernie seems to say in this New Year’s meme. You can choose darkness or light. it’s up to you.

That Time of Year


“It’s almost time to repeat the whole ‘new year, new me’ thing,” this meme says. Who else can’t stand it?

RELATED: 25 Funny Christmas Memes That Will Make You Feel Better If You’re Stressed Over the Holidays

Parents on NYE


“When you’re trying to stay awake on New Year’s Eve, but you’re also a parent:” this meme’s caption reads. We are then treated to an image of Sleepy. We know a lot of parents can feel the exhaustion already.

Can’t Believe It


“I can’t believe it’s been a year since I didn’t become a better person,” this New Year’s meme says, poking fun at the resolutions they did not keep. It’s okay. Don’t be so hard on yourself.

Dads Will Do It


“Dads waiting for January 1st 0:01 so they can say ‘I haven’t seen you since last year,'” this New Year’s meme says. Dads just can’t get enough of this tired joke. Will they ever tire of it?

An NYE Wish for You


“May your New Year’s end with counting numbers backwards rather than reciting the alphabet backwards,” the meme says. It’s a great toast and a reminder to make smart choices.

You Gotta Start Somewhere


“My New Year’s resolutions are: 1. Stop Making lists. B. Be more consistent. 7. Learn to count,” this hilariously dumb meme says. Keep up the good work, meme makers!

The Watcher


Okay, this is hands down one of the best New Year’s memes we found. “January rent watching all your Christmas and New Year’s Eve plans,” the caption says. New Year’s Eve is all fun and games until you need to sign that rent check the next day.

Pro Tip:


“Parents, don’t forget to set your clocks ahead two hours on New Year’s Eve so you can pretend that you actually did stay up until midnight,” the tweet reads. Let’s call this New Year’s Eve Savings Time.

Chase Those Dreams


“New Year’s resolution: chase your dreams,” this funny dog meme says. That little pup looks so eager to go after what makes him truly happy. Bravo!

Time Changes Everything


“20’s celebrating NYE: Drinking, dancing, party till dawn. 40’s celebrating NYE: Home eating candy out of your kids’ stockings,” the tweet reads. It’s wild how much things change in just a few, short years.

One More Time…


“Say Happy New Year one more time. See what happens… I dare you!!!” this New Year’s meme featuring a comically angry-looking baby says. What an expression!

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On a Positive Note


Finally, we leave you with a hopeful New Year’s Drake meme that wants to do away with the old baggage of 2022 and receive the promise of 2023. Really, keep your wits about you and it will be great. Happy New Year!

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