Mamas Uncut

New Report Reveals How Long Anne Heche Was In Her Car Before Being Rescued and Where She Was Found

New reports are revealing new heartbreaking details about the crash that claimed actress Anne Heche’s life.

NBC4 published audio files which recorded the Los Angeles Fire Department’s response to the crash and subsequent fire. Heche crashed her Mini Cooper several times on August 5 before ultimately crashing her car into a woman’s home.

New Report Reveals How Long Anne Heche Was In Her Car Before Being Rescued and Where She Was Found

Witness Claims Crane Removed Actress Anne Heche From Burning Vehicle After Near-Deadly Crash

After hitting the home, her car and the house burst into flames. Due to the manner of the accident, saving Heche from her car proved difficult.

But now, based on the recordings of the rescue mission, it is now known that Heche was trapped inside her burning vehicle for at least 40 minutes. According to NBC4, those recordings proved that it took first responders at least 20 minutes to get to the vehicle and then another 20 minutes to remove Heche from the vehicle.

Recordings reveal firefighters locating the owner of the home and removing her safely around 11:01 a.m. Another firefighter at 11:18 a.m. said there were no other victims. Four minutes later, another responder asks, “Let me clear this up, so, you do have a patient in the car?”

At 11:25 a.m., responders are heard saying, “We have identified one patient, inaccessible at this time, he’s pushed up against the floorboard!” LAFD Deputy Chief Richard Fields explained to NBC4, “I will say that where the person was in the vehicle was not in the driver’s seat, but on the floorboard of the passenger seat.”

It’s unclear how Heche would have ended up in that position. “Given the heavy fire and smoke conditions, it wasn’t that you could clearly see into the vehicle or clearly be able to access it,” Fields told NBC4.


After falling into a coma, Heche was removed from life support one week after her crash. Her organs were donated to matches in need.

As Mamas Uncut previously reported, her 20-year-old son is left to file paperwork.

The paperwork is so that Homer Heche and Anne’s youngest son, his 13-year-old half-brother, Atlas Tupper, can gain control of Heche’s estate. According to People, Homer had to file such paperwork because Anne never had a last will and testament.

According to documents obtained by People, Homer is asking that he and Atlas be “rightful heirs” to their mom’s earthly possessions. 

“The Estate consists of two (2) intestate heirs—Homer Heche Laffoon and Atlas Heche Tupper. Homer Heche Laffoon is an adult and the proposed Administrator. Atlas Heche Tupper is a minor. Filed concurrently with this petition is a Petition for Appointment of Guardian ad Litem for the minor, which specifically requests that the guardian ad litem be granted the authority to waive bond on behalf of the minor.”

As Mamas Uncut previously reported, Heche died suddenly after she crashed her car into a California home on August 5. Shortly after the crash, Homer was put in charge of his mother’s medical care.

RELATED: Anne Heche’s Son Files Papers After It’s Learned She Didn’t Have a Will


After falling into a coma, it was decided that Anne would become an organ donor. After finding a match, Anne was removed from life-support. 

“My brother Atlas and I lost our Mom,” he said in a statement. “After six days of almost unbelievable emotional swings, I am left with a deep, wordless sadness. Hopefully, my mom is free from pain and beginning to explore what I like to imagine as her eternal freedom.”

“Over those six days, thousands of friends, family, and fans made their hearts known to me. I am grateful for their love, as I am for the support of my Dad, Coley, and my stepmom Alexi who continue to be my rock during this time.”

Now Heche has been laid to rest at Hollywood Forever “a living place, where people attend movies and concerts and other events,” a place where Homer says his mom “would love…It’s beautiful, serene and she will be among her Hollywood peers.”

The investigation into the crash that claimed Heche’s life has since concluded. Detectives say narcotics were found in blood samples taken from Heche. Ultimately the crash was ruled an accident.


“As of today there will be no further investigative efforts made in this case,” the LAPD said in a statement to NBC News. “Any information or records that have been requested prior to this turn of events will still be collected as they arrive as a matter of formalities and included in the overall case. When a person suspected of a crime expires, we do not present for filing consideration.”

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