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Netflix To Create Film About The Grandma And Teen Who Spent Thanksgiving Together After A Wrong Number

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In 2016, Jamal Hinton met Wanda Dench through a wrong number — which led them to have Thanksgiving together every year for the past six years.

And now, Netflix is going to make a movie about the iconic duo.

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It all started when Kimberley mistakenly texted Jamal with an invite to Thanksgiving.

About five years ago, Wanda was trying to text her grandson to see if he was coming to Thanksgiving dinner.

“Thanksgiving dinner is at my house on Nov. 24 at 3:00 pm. Let me know if you’re coming. Hope to see you all,” she wrote at the time, not aware that her grandson had changed his number.

Netflix To Create Film About The Grandma And Teen Who Spent Thanksgiving Together After A Wrong Number
Image via Twitter

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In fact, she instead texted Jamal, who asked her who she was. And when she responded saying she was his grandma and sent a photo, he joked: “You not my grandma. Can I still get a plate tho?”

So when Wanda responded, “Of course you can. That’s what grandmas do. Feed everyone,” he was floored. And the rest was history, as they say. Jamal posted the exchange with Wanda on Twitter, which led to the pair meeting and spending the holiday together.

And since that moment, the two have spent the last six Thanksgiving’s together along with both of their families. To honor their story, Netflix will be rolling out The Thanksgiving Text, a movie based on their accidental friendship. And the duo couldn’t be more excited.

“We are excited to share our story with the world. We hope it inspires more people to reach out and make connections that they wouldn’t ordinarily make,” Wanda and Jamal said in a joint statement per Variety.

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“We are so blessed to find a genuine friendship brought together by God from a mistaken text message.”

There has yet to be a release date for the movie.

And while the two are elated for a movie to be created about them, the pair appreciate what they have had all along: friendship.

“I’ve been enjoying almost every second of it,” Jamal told TODAY. “I was just telling Wanda the other day how it actually helps me get through the year sometimes to see so many uplifting comments, to see so many people looking forward to our story, that I just love it all.”

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