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Q&A: My Milk Supply Dropped When I Started The Pill, Advice?

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“I just started the mini pill three days ago, and I was previously almost exclusively pumping regularly but still trying to breastfeed my one-month-old a few times a day- my milk supply has decreased significantly today. I’m not sure if it’s because of the pill, I haven’t changed my schedule any, and I bf way more today than we have been. I’m worried I won’t be able to get it back. Any suggestions to get milk back or encouragement in case i can’t. The good thing is, I have a freezer full of milk for him in case we’re done.”

RELATED: Q&A: Is This Normal For Thawed Breastmilk?

My Milk Supply Dropped When I Started The Pill, Advice?
Image via Shutterstock

Community Answers

The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

“They have different things at Walmart in the baby section that r supposed to help milk production….good luck mama.”

“Google recipes for lactation cookies/bars. Look at supplements for milk production. There’s mix to add to water too.”

“This is not uncommon when taking hormonal birth control — usually those containing estrogen. Since milk production is a supply and demand, you can try breastfeeding or pumping more often, pumping especially after feedings, and see if that increases your supply. If this doesn’t help and you want to continue to breastfeed/express milk, you can look for alternatives to hormonal birth controls or contact a lactation consultant. Either way, you got this!”

“Honestly I’d quit the pill. My milk dried up within 3 weeks of taking the pill. Completely dry. After a year of feeding my daughter and having a good supply. There’s a few other options for contraception that may work better if you want to breast feed.”

“Call the lactation consultant at the hospital. They will help you. Also I was exclusively breast feeding and got pregnant on the mini pill but it was a tubal pregnancy. An emergency situation. Just know you can get pregnant on the mini pill.”

“Use lactation supplements, I’ve been eating the granola bark, the cookies and drinking a berry drink that you can mix with either water or juice. My milk supply has increased and I had asked a lactation consultant before I left the hospital if it was okay and she said yes.”

“Keep feeding and pumping increase your water intake and watch your diet try mama’s milk tea and I have heard the Armour sports drink helps as well.”

“Up your hydration and pump like crazy. The pill is hormonal, and so screws with the supply. It often heavily sabotages a lot of people.”

“Feed that baby formula. I tried with all 4 of mine unfortunately I do not produce enough to do so. Fed is best doesn’t matter how you do it. That baby will grow strong n’ healthy.”

“I had the same thing happen when I started the mini pill. Jut keep nursing & keep pumping & it will hopefully come back up in a few days. It just takes a little bit for your body to get used to it. I was on the mini pill & nursing from the time my son was 4 months till he was 2yrs & 3 months & I stopped them so we could try for baby number 2 (which only took 4 months to happen). My son was 2yrs & 7 months when I weaned him.”

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