Mamas Uncut

How Can I Get My Husband’s Sister-In-Law to Stop Constantly Flirting With Him?

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QUESTION: My Husband’s Sister-In-Law Constantly Flirts With Him: What Should I Do?

“When I first started dating my husband, I noticed that his sister-in-law would try flirting with him. Somehow she had his number and would try to text him; my husband changed his number. He assured me that he ignores her and just walks away. She stopped doing that, and a few years pass by, and she starts up again. This time right in front of me.

She always tries to pass by in front of him, ask him unnecessary questions just to get his attention. But she doesn’t. She’s done this so much that I can tell that her husband (my husband’s brother) notices that. I have no idea why he doesn’t say anything to his wife. So I’m asking for advice on how I should handle this situation. This girl has no self-respect.”

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How Can I Get My Husband's Sister-In-Law to Stop Constantly Flirting With Him?

Community Answers

The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

“Tell her it’s inappropriate! Ask her to stop it!”

“Just be honest. Say “when you say things like that to my husband it makes me uncomfortable.””

“I would pull her to the side and tell her straight up that my husband and I are not comfortable with it and she needs to learn how to have some respect. And tell her if she needs help with anything to ask me and not my husband. I’d tell her the truth.”

“Don’t let her bother you. You have to trust that your husband is faithful and nothing she does will bother you. Just keep loving your man with all you got.”

“You need to have a long conversation with your husband first. Find out what he thinks of her actions. And then……………..he should have a conversation with his brother.”

“Oh, I would let her know real quick how I feel about it and redirect her back to her lane. That’s great that your husband doesn’t react to her but it’s still disrespectful to you, especially when she tries this crap in front of you. Remind her of her place and what will happen if she forgets again.”

“I would talk your husband. Let him know you appreciate him ignoring her but that you would like him and yourself to talk to his brother and her about it. You guys can plan to just drop by and have a couch discussion about how everyone knows its happening and that it needs to stop… yesterday.”

“Flat out disrespect! Call her out in front of the whole family out in the open, that way your husband and his brother can say something as well if they want to.”

“I would sit her down and talk. If that doesn’t work, then talk to her hubby.”

“You should talk to her privately and tell her everyone in the family notices and comments on her behavior with your husband and you have had enough and want her to stop. Not only is it disrespectful to everyone involved, it makes her look foolish and desperate. Tell her if her behavior doesn’t stop, she’ll no longer be invited to family events.”

“Tell your husbands brother, he deserves to know it because if she is like you say she is about her brother in law, maybe she already cheated with someone else.”

“Tell your husband to shoot her down LOUDLY in front of everyone next time she does it or you will address the situation.”

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