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A Mountain Lion Made Itself at Home in This Woman’s House. Her Solution Was Both Compassionate and Amazing.

A Mountain Lion Made Itself at Home in This Woman's House. Her Solution Was Both Compassionate and Amazing.

An Oregon woman came home one day to find a surprise in her house: a four-foot mountain lion.

While most of us would have run screaming for the door, this woman, whose name is Lauren Taylor, took a more creative approach to the problem.

What’s particularly interesting about this story is that the mountain lion entered the house and… took a nap behind Taylor’s couch.

Taylor shared photos of the napping mountain lion on Facebook and wrote, “This is wild. There’s a mountain lion in our living room. Loving her to peace so she’ll go out safely.” She later shared an update about the bizarre situation and how she and her housemates ultimately dealt with the issue of having an incredibly large wild cat take up residence with them.

“Cats are very psychic and perceptive of energy and this cougar could have been dangerous in an energy field of fear or anger,” she wrote. “In fact, before I consciously elevated the energy field and entrained her to a theta state, a housemate had shouted and slammed a door upon seeing her and the lion was frightened, agitated, and determined to exit through a closed window. Once the energy shifted, she calmed down.”

She went on to explain her mindset and thinking, her (successful) attempt to make a connection with the mountain lion, making eye contact with the cat, and her eventual ingenious plan to get the cat to leave the house. Her ultimate solution is a little surprising, but as the video shows, it was the right call. Not only was it a compassionate way to get the mountain lion to leave without any damage or injuries, but it’s a pretty amazing thing to watch unfold, period.

Watch the Video Below:

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