Mothers-In-Law Aren’t Always the Easiest to Get Along With: These Wild Requests for Advice Prove It

Family isn’t always easy. Love or hate them; mothers-in-law can be the most valued person in your family or the most reviled. Not every spouse lucks out with their MIL, and often, the relationship can be contentious. This isn’t just a cliche claim. Countless individuals have requested advice on our Community Forum about their mothers-in-law and the antics that they get up to.

Navigating the family dynamics after marriage can be tricky. If you are someone who takes issue with your mother-in-law or just want to take a look into the juicy details of others, this list is going to be perfect for you. We will share the questions for advice and the best responses to show you just how unreal mothers-in-law can be.

How Do I Get My Mother-in-Law To Respect Me?

Mothers-In-Law Aren't Always the Easiest to Get Along With: These Wild Requests for Advice Prove It
MU Community Forum

Best Responses:

  • I would take him back and tell her straight out that it is more polite to ask instead of just take and walk away with YOUR child in your arms. If hubby tried to do it nicely and softly and she didn’t get the message then a firm ‘what the hell’ is needed. If you let her walk over you now while your child is young then she is going to think she can do anything she pleases… I’m sorry if this sounds harsh but you need to stop it now otherwise it will get worse.
  • Literally just immediately take him back from her when she does that and remind her you are his mother, not her.
  • Be frank with her. “I would appreciate it if you stopped doing that. It feels very disrespectful.” If she balks, cut her off until she apologizes.
  • Stand up for yourself and children… she will never respect you as a mother if you don’t respect yourself… feelings might get hurt in the beginning but in the long run, you will be respected.

My mother-in-law left our wedding and is now demanding an apology: Thoughts?

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  • Best Responses:
  • Sounds like you got a real monster in law. You’ve got nothing to apologize for. But this is most likely in indication of how she’s going to act in the future. No matter how much you love someone a bad in-law can ruin a marriage quick.
  • It gets better. They eventually die…
  • Nope. Hypothetically speaking, she IS an adult. She needs to pull up her big girl panties and buck up.

My Mother in Law Is Controlling Me… Help!

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Best Responses:

  • The only control she has over you is the control you let her have over you. Just because she wants to know everything does not mean you have to tell her. The only time it is her business where you are, is if she is watching your kids.
  • Find another sitter. Then you won’t feel guilty and you can do whatever you want. You are a grown a** woman with kids who should not have to answer to anyone.
  • Start preparing for alternate childcare and living arrangements don’t tell anyone. As it seems toxic so i am going to go out on a limb and say if she knew you were looking she would make it worst again.
  • Put it to your man to buck up and have your back (along with help provide for your little family) or give yourself space with your own unit with the kids.

My Mother-in-Law Told Me Baby Showers Were for “Broke People”

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Best Responses:

  • Celebrities have baby showers. She’s just not a nice person…have the shower.
  • This is YOUR pregnancy and YOUR family. If your MIL doesn’t agree with the baby shower, then she doesn’t need to come. And if she’s going to treat you poorly over it, then she can choose to no longer be a part of your life. You need to live for YOU and YOUR family. Not your MIL and her opinion. Or anyone else’s, for that matter.
  • Let your sister in law do it. She can either invite her mom or not… Your mother in law sounds like a real peach. She won’t be happy either way. I hope for your sake that your hubby is firmly on your side and sticks up for you to his mom.
  • Baby showers are to celebrate the baby you’re having. Don’t let anyone else steal your happiness, you’ll only regret it.
  • Every baby deserves to be celebrated! You should absolutely have a baby shower and enjoy it!

My mother in law tells my husband not to trust me

Mothers-In-Law Aren't Always the Easiest to Get Along With: These Wild Requests for Advice Prove It
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Best Responses:

  • Yeah, my husband would never tolerate this. He needs to set his mother straight. Like yesterday.
  • Does he have any idea about your feelings with this?
  • Husband needs to tell mom it’s none of her business. She’ll stop when he puts his foot down.

My mother-in-law said my stepkids don’t count as my husbands real kids: Advice?

Mothers-In-Law Aren't Always the Easiest to Get Along With: These Wild Requests for Advice Prove It
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Best Responses:

  • she’s rude. sorry you have to deal with a rude MIL.
  • Run don’t let her toxic ways make u feel that way!! All kids should be equally.
  • DNA doesn’t make a father. Period.
  • Don’t listen to her. If she continues with opinion I would limit time with her…. Make sure you tell your husband, in case he doesn’t know she feels that way. And make sure she doesn’t tell this to the children, you are a family.

Am I over reacting about what my mother-in-law said to me?

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Best Responses:

  • First of all the mom isn’t sleeping over so that part is none of her business. Second, the housing market just took a serious shit (at least in my area). Just proceed with caution.
  • I mean so far nothing you have said really would make me want to pick a fight honestly. But that’s because the stories I could tell from my life would make everyone’s jaw drop ????.
  • My 6 year old daughter and I share a room and a bed have done since she was a baby, no shame here. Don’t let anyone tell you what to do.
  • Shes definitely overstepping boundaries.
  • Speak your mind and tell her that was an awful thing to say. Do what you want with your babies as long as its safe. All 5 of my kids slept with me for yrs. If you continue to let her talk to you like that she will never stfu. Just because shes older doesn’t give her the right to be rude!

RELATED: Mandy Moore Accidentally Insulted Her Mother-in-Law With Her Pregnancy Announcement

What can I do about my controlling mother in law?

Mothers-In-Law Aren't Always the Easiest to Get Along With: These Wild Requests for Advice Prove It
MU Community Forum

Best Responses:

  • Talk to her, she’s probably trying to be helpful and give you a break, let her know how your feeling.
  • Have you thought maybe she doesn’t realize she is being over bearing? To you it may be obvious but to her it could be her way of helping. I say this because I have been overbearing thinking I was helping when in reality to everyone I was doing too much. In my opinion, just have a open chat.
  • Tell her she can not come back if she doesn’t stop that s*** that’s completely disrespectful and teaching your kids they don’t have to listen to you… that’s not a break when she undermines everything you do and say.

I Blocked My Mother-in-Law On Social Media

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Best Responses:

  • I mean I get it’s annoying buuuut you could always just make some posts not seen by her. Or just ignore it. Like I personally refused to have the Facebook app on my phone so I didn’t get notifications. I will get to Facebook when I get to it.
  • Seriously? Of all the issues there could have been you had to go and start one. You could have just ignored her or silenced notifications. Geez I wish that was the only thing I had to worry about.
  • You can change your settings so that only certain people can see or can’t see what you post.
  • It’s called turn off ur notifications not that hard.

My mother in law told my daughter she should NOT have a dinosaur themed bedroom: Advice?

Mothers-In-Law Aren't Always the Easiest to Get Along With: These Wild Requests for Advice Prove It
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Best Responses:

  • Tell her to mind her own business.
  • Honestly, and I mean this with the utmost respect (no I don’t) SCREW your MIL. :person_shrugging: Sorry, my daughter is very into “boy” stuff (she’s 8) and my grandma-in-law was the same way until I told her to mind her own business.
  • Let her have what she wants, its her room.
  • One of my twin girls love dinosaurs! Dinos are cool!
  • Sounds like it’s time to go low contact with toxic grandma. A child’s genitalia do not dictate what they can and cannot enjoy. If a girl likes power rangers and dinos, neato. If she likes princesses and ponies, awesome. Same goes for boys.

A list of why my mother in law bugs me

Mothers-In-Law Aren't Always the Easiest to Get Along With: These Wild Requests for Advice Prove It
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Best Responses:

  • WOW. No words. I think it’s sad when women can’t/don’t respect the woman who raised the man they chose to spend their life with. You’re a perfect example of a monster daughter in law IMO. Ever heard of being selfless every now and then and just appeasing every now and then to make your husbands mother happy when she leaves. After she’s gone throw the burger away. Drink a glass of wine to unwind. These are ridiculous reasons.
  • Sounds like you’re the drama!
  • That’s not drama that just u picking apart everything she does.

My mother-in-law is getting to me: What should I do?

Mothers-In-Law Aren't Always the Easiest to Get Along With: These Wild Requests for Advice Prove It
MU Community Forum

Best Responses:

  • You’ve done what you can. It’s on her to be more involved. Like you said it’s a 2 way street you both need to put in effort and if she doesn’t that’s her fault.
  • This may be difficult, but just don’t let it get to you. You know in your heart that you make an effort and she doesn’t. There’s literally nothing else you can do.
  • Sounds like you are doing more than enough.
  • Sounds like she needs to grow tf up honestly. Seems like she cares more about controlling you and seeing you cater to her whims than she does actually seeing her grandkids. Let her know she’s invited to events and you will coordinate a ride. You’re not obligated to anything more than that.

My mother in law constantly makes rude comments about me: Advice?

Mothers-In-Law Aren't Always the Easiest to Get Along With: These Wild Requests for Advice Prove It
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Best Responses:

  • I would tell her to kiss off. No reason to be so negative
  • I’d give it right back to her, some people just talk to others that way, not saying it’s right, it’s just how some people are, my family is like that, I’m the odd one out and I used to let it bother me, til I just didn’t, hit ‘em back with it and have a laugh with them.
  • Talk to him and have him talk to her. If that doesn’t work then give it back to her everytime she does it to u. She’ll get the hint eventually.

It bothers me that my mother in law keeps calling my kids her own

Mothers-In-Law Aren't Always the Easiest to Get Along With: These Wild Requests for Advice Prove It
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Best Responses:

  • Mother’s Day is YOUR day with your kids…… it’s only her day with her son. If I was you I would try to talk to him one more time but be firm with what you say to him. YOU tell him how the house is going to be run, not him. If he can’t respect you as a wife and mother then you two need couples counseling.
  • So just don’t go if you don’t want to,let him take the kids over there to spend time so you have time alone,stand your ground and don’t let people walk all over you.
  • Keep standing up for yourself…your feelings matter…your husband should be having your back…next time tell her to back off they’re your children not hers.
  • Maybe she’s not realizing she’s being too much. I’m an overbearing mom and when I become a grandma I’m sure I’ll be just as much. I pray that woman understands that I love my kids and my grandkids alil too much. It honestly may not be about you. She may just love them too much.
  • Sit down with her and set some serious boundaries. If your husband won’t stand up for you; you will need to stand up for yourself. Don’t take a backseat in your own life — drive that metaphorical car girl.

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My mother in law is constantly trying to feed my kid expired food: Advice?

Mothers-In-Law Aren't Always the Easiest to Get Along With: These Wild Requests for Advice Prove It
MU Community Forum

Best Responses:

  • I wouldn’t leave my kids there. Can she watch your kids at your house? And deff don’t accept food or drink from her and let the older child know not to accept it either.
  • I’d stop letting my kids go to her house.
  • Dude… 2 year expired juice… that’s like giving a kid bad wine. If she keeps not listening you may need to keep your kids away from her until she let’s you help her by cleaning out the old food and replacing with up to date snacks.
  • I would have her come to my house to watch the kids.

There you go! Now you know all about the personal mother-in-law drama that’s out there. Try as we might, it can be a very difficult relationship to navigate. We’re all doing our best!

For even more community questions, keep reading. We’ve got some spouses who ended up in crazy situations that were so twisted they had to ask for help.

Question: My baby might be my husband’s twin brother’s: Help!

These 15 Spouses Wound Up in Crazy Situations That Left Them So Flabbergasted They Had to Ask for Help
MU Community Forum

Best Responses:

  • Even a DNA test couldn’t figure that out. They’re identical.
  • Maybe do nothing. How would you even be able to know for sure?
  • Okay, but what is the likelihood that their parents would have chose to have one twin circumcised and one not?

Question: Does it sound like my husband is seeing someone?

These 15 Spouses Wound Up in Crazy Situations That Left Them So Flabbergasted They Had to Ask for Help
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • Not to be the one here that jumps to conclusions, but if something feels off, it usually is. Nothing wrong with checking phone records just to be sure… if you trust your husband then trust your husband, but if you feel suspicious keep an eye out for other signs.
  • Time to go into spy mode! Don’t mention it again to him and act like everything is fine until you can get more solid evidence that he can’t deny.
  • If I found a woman’s hairclip in my husband’s car I’d flip my lid.

My Husband Won’t Give Me Access to His Bank Account Because His Mom Tells Him Not To: Advice?

These 15 Spouses Wound Up in Crazy Situations That Left Them So Flabbergasted They Had to Ask for Help
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • Leave. That’s financial abuse.
  • I’m sorry but you need to move on.
  • If you are married, he should trust you with the bank account. You shouldn’t have to ask for money. If he can’t trust you with that you shouldn’t be with him.

Question: I found out my husband gets coffee daily from topless women: Advice?

These 15 Spouses Wound Up in Crazy Situations That Left Them So Flabbergasted They Had to Ask for Help
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • I’d be flipping tables.
  • He’s a jerk. How would he like you getting coffee from a junk-exposing dude?
  • Not overreacting. You should walk around topless. Go to the store and family eventos topless and then see if he “over reacts”

Question: My husband wants to leave my for a girl in another country that he met online, what do I do?

These 15 Spouses Wound Up in Crazy Situations That Left Them So Flabbergasted They Had to Ask for Help
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • Before you do anything with community property, find out what your rights are. You don’t want his attorney coming at you, for wrongful acts on your part. Whether he goes to the other women or not, I would have him out of my life. There are just so many things wrong with him as a man, a husband and a father.
  • Kick him out girl ! Make him feel like s**t too he’s using you for now basically.
  • Good riddance. Let him go.

RELATED: Michelle Obama Gives Sound Advice on Marriage and Relationships While Promoting Her Newest Book Titled ‘The Light We Carry’

Question: What would you do if your partner downloaded tinder and said it was for work?

These 15 Spouses Wound Up in Crazy Situations That Left Them So Flabbergasted They Had to Ask for Help
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • “Believe what you want” is classic. He’s doing something wrong. Period.
  • The fact he actually thought you would buy such a lame excuse is insulting and then ‘Believe what you like’… He’s checked out. Time to move on.
  • What job would require you to download tinder anyway? Come on, I don’t think you need anyone else to tell you what’s going on.

Question: Does your spouse time you when you do something?

These 15 Spouses Wound Up in Crazy Situations That Left Them So Flabbergasted They Had to Ask for Help
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • That is insanely controlling!!! I don’t even want to think of what else this man does that is completely unacceptable and uncalled for. It’s only going to get worse over time though. #boybye
  • Tell your spouse to bugger off. If they want it done faster tell them to do it!
  • Time him during sex and then say he needs to last longer.

Question: Has anyones spouse had wet dreams?

These 15 Spouses Wound Up in Crazy Situations That Left Them So Flabbergasted They Had to Ask for Help
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • It’s VERY common! However, it’s not always discussed. ( I’m not saying that’s a good thing, Just that it occurs). I do think that it is something that needs to be normalized (in and out of relationships), and discussed.
  • Well, I can’t see my spouse’s dreams so going from pure logic and sense…probably. :rofl: doesn’t everyone at some point…
  • Why would you even post something like this? SMH!!!

Question: Would you be okay with your spouse going to a strip club?

These 15 Spouses Wound Up in Crazy Situations That Left Them So Flabbergasted They Had to Ask for Help
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • I know my husband won’t cheat and he will come home to me at the end so I don’t mind.
  • Nope. Not mine… If he wants to get off watching other people take their clothes off and dance naked he can f**k right off.
  • If you’re uncomfortable with your husband going to a strip club for a bachelor’s party with his best buds you might want to reevaluate the relationship.

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Question: Should I give my husband another chance?

These 15 Spouses Wound Up in Crazy Situations That Left Them So Flabbergasted They Had to Ask for Help
MU Community Forum

Best Responses:

  • He’s had enough chances to change. He won’t. It’s time to go.
  • He’ll never change. He may try, but that is way too many times for him to cheat. If he was going to change, it would’ve been after the first time he cheated.
  • Fool me once Shame on you fool me twice shame on me. After 5 times id say no he wont change.

Question: My husband does not help me around the house: How can I get him to help?

These 15 Spouses Wound Up in Crazy Situations That Left Them So Flabbergasted They Had to Ask for Help
MU Community Forum

Best Responses:

  • Congratulations you have a third child ! If hes unwilling to help show him the door !
  • Your husband is a child and you need to get out.
  • Change the wifi password… works on my kids he might help you out then.

Question: My Husband Is Mad I Don’t Want My Mother-in-Law in the Delivery Room When I Give Birth: Advice?

These 15 Spouses Wound Up in Crazy Situations That Left Them So Flabbergasted They Had to Ask for Help
MU Community Forum

Best Responses:

  • Ask him if he would be comfortable splayed eagle for hours on end, with his junk out for everyone to see. If he says no, tell him to shut up and not be mad. It’s YOUR birth experience. If he keeps up with the attitude I’d tell him he’s not going to be allowed in there.
  • Saw this once: ‘Ask him to lay completely naked on a hospital bed and produce a bowel movement in front of your mother. If he can do that, THEN entertain the idea of birthing in front of his.
  • Just you and your husband. Childbirth is an intimate moment that doesn’t lend itself to spectators. You’d keep the peace if you just had everyone wait until after the child is born.

Question: Is it appropriate for a married man to be drinking in a hot tub with another woman?

These 15 Spouses Wound Up in Crazy Situations That Left Them So Flabbergasted They Had to Ask for Help
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • Must’ve been an interesting conversation…
  • I would not like that personally. I’d just bring it up to your husband. Boundaries are important.
  • Yeah that’s a hard no for me too. I’d lose my s**t.

Question: My spouse sweared at me at our friends house over a pineapple: Do I have a right to be upset?

These 15 Spouses Wound Up in Crazy Situations That Left Them So Flabbergasted They Had to Ask for Help
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • It starts with verbal abuse… they are always sorry.
  • F**k him. He’s a control freak drop him. It’s only going to get worse.
  • He seems off/childish and rude. And a man would never disrespect his wife.

YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: Michelle Obama Gives Sound Advice on Marriage and Relationships While Promoting Her Newest Book Titled ‘The Light We Carry’

Question: My husband thinks I am cheating with his brother: Advice?

These 15 Spouses Wound Up in Crazy Situations That Left Them So Flabbergasted They Had to Ask for Help
MU Community Forum

Best Responses:

  • Sounds like he has a guilty conscience.
  • From experience he is still cheating on you.
  • The accuser is always the guilty one. Especially if it came out of no where.

Marriage is a journey that is full of unexpected surprises. While some of these surprises may leave spouses flabbergasted and in need of help, they also make for some hilarious and unforgettable stories. As we’ve seen from these 15 wild tales, sometimes the craziest moments can bring couples closer together and strengthen their bond.

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