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Really Fantastic Mother’s Day Gift Ideas as Suggested by Real Moms

Best Mother's Day Gifts

Happy mother's day! Children daughters with dad congratulating mom and give her flowers, gift and card. Family holiday and togetherness.

Mother’s Day is almost here! Check your calendar and you will see that, yep, it’s in just four days, on May 12. That is… not a lot of time! Of course, you still have enough time to find a great last minute Mother’s Day gift. But one should also make time to ask: what does Mom really want this year?

We can help with that last question! We turned to the Mamas Uncut Facebook community to ask what moms would choose to receive for Mother’s Day if they could pick. Anything in the world. A book, some alone time, more sleep, more money, more anything.

Hey Mamas! It’s your friend Marina from Mamas Uncut! I have a question for you…

If you could choose ONE THING, and it can be anything, what gift would you like to receive for Mother’s Day this year? A massage? A book? Some alone time? It can be anything! Leave a comment and let us know what you’d love for your special day, and we’ll round up some of your answers for a special post!

Mamas Uncut Facebook Page

And boy, did we get some responses! Nearly 100 moms replied with their most-desired Mother’s Day gift. Here are some of our favorites.

The Mom Holy Grail: Sleep, Time, and Peace

Spoiler alert: Moms are often exhausted! Taking care of kids and households is no joke, and that’s not even factoring in the moms out there who have a job. So it is no surprise that many moms would really, really, really like some peace and time to relax. And more time to sleep, of course.


“Just to have one day completely by myself.”

“To be able to sit at sunset and look out at the ocean with the breeze blowing across my face. Just some much needed alone time!!!!”

“A nice afternoon nap and a nice dinner with my child and husband. Oh, and A cleaned house when I got up from my nap, lol.”

“A nap.”

“To sleep in, have no kids for 24 hours, get a Mani/Pedi and my hair done”

“Alone time.”

“I want to be dad for the day. You know, the parent the children walk past and don’t ask every time they need or want something.”

“I love my kids more than my own life, but I’d love to sleep in… Maybe get a hair cut and dye. I’m a single mother of 2 girls, and I work 2 jobs to keep up with the bills. I haven’t had a haircut in at least 8 years. I just wanna feel good again. And then dinner with my babies.”

“Sleep in, no work that day, a dinner with the family, something drawn by my two-year-old to hang on the fridge.”

“Nap. Massage. Book. Time to read said book.”

Moms Love Massages and Mani-Pedis

Another popular response was “a massage.” And, well, duh. Because again, taking care of a family is hard work. That kind of stress is hard on the body, and one way to alleviate that stress is with a nice, long, peaceful massage. Manicures, pedicures, and other spa or salon treatments also go a long way in reducing stress. Don’t take our word for it, though:


“A prenatal massage, then come home to a clean house! I’m delivering my 3rd on Thursday May 16th via c-section, so it would be a blessing to know I was coming home to a clean house.”

“I’d die for a massage. Especially with my medical issues & chasing a toddler all day being a stay at home mom!! Yes definitely a massage but really anything would be nice.. I love homemade gifts. A little basket filled with some of my favs would also be nice as well. I’m not picky lol.”

“A gift card to get my nails done. I’ve never had them done, and I’d love to get them done.”

“Massage. I desperately need one.”

“To sleep in, have no kids for 24 hours, get a Mani/Pedi and my hair done.”

“Spa day.”

“A pedicure and manicure.”

P.S. – Shopping for a mom who loves spas and beauty products? We’ve got some suggestions for you!

More Time With the Husband

It should also come as no surprise that many moms would love a chance to have some one-on-one time with their partners. Having kids (and jobs and houses and family obligations and yadda yadda yadda) is not exactly conducive to scheduling consistent date nights. Let’s hear from some moms who would kill for a little romance or downtime with their significant others.


“A day out with just my husband. We have 4 kids so we never get it.”

“A date all day with just the husband.”

“A date night.”

“A camping trip with my husband. That would be awesome.”

“Just to see my husband and spend the day with him. That would be the perfect Mother’s Day. I miss him and he always took me out on Mother’s Day. When I get to see him, I think we’re going to be celebrating Mother’s and Father’s Day at the same time lol.”

Material Girls

Some moms want things, and we love that. Things are great! We all need things. Plus, getting “things” as gifts is pretty standard. So pay attention to these suggestions, because you might see something you’ll have to go pick up before Sunday.


“A bouquet of giant sunflowers.”

“I have to say Disneyland annual passes for my daughter and her little family.”

“A new essential oil organizer.”

“A robot vacuum.”

“Van detailed and spa time while its being done.”


“Disneyland annual passes.”

We hope every mama out there gets exactly what she wants for Mother’s Day this year! You deserve it.

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