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Mother With A Rare Bone Disorder Doesn’t Let It Stop Her From Living Life

Mother With A Rare Bone Disorder Doesn't Let It Stop Her From Living Her Life

Image via Shutterstock

Trisha Taylor is a 32-year-old blogger from Idaho who was diagnosed with Osteogenesis imperfecta at birth.

But that doesn’t stop her from living her life.

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Trisha is just 2 feet and 10 inches tall. Her genetic mutation that caused her OI means her bones are incredibly fragile and break easily.

An X-ray revealed at Trisha’s birth how she suffered 150 broken bones during delivery. She frequently had bone breaks growing up, and she relied on supplemental oxygen just to breathe. She’s also used a wheelchair since she was 2 as the weight of her body is simply too much for her bones to carry.

“My lungs couldn’t physically breathe in and out on their own,” Trisha shared. “With every cough or sneeze, I risked fracturing a bone. Just lying down in the wrong position could cause a break.”

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So when a new treatment became available when she was 12 — it gave strength to Trisha’s bones — which in turn helped her have enough strength to take on life.

“It was amazing feeling the strength start to build in my bones,” she said. “After six months I started being able to lift myself up unassisted.”

In those years, Trisha taught herself to get in and out of bed, use the toilet alone, and manage an electric wheelchair by herself. And by 17, she was independent enough to go to college, where she met her future husband, Michael. After a year of dating, they got married. And Trisha was determined to become a mom in spite of her doctor’s warnings.

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“My doctor warned me that my baby could physically break my bones as he grew — crushing me from the inside out,” she said.

Regardless, Trisha and Michael started trying for a baby. Trisha suffered two devastating miscarriages between 2014 and 2020. But after years of trying, they welcomed their son Maven on March 29, 2016. He was born at 32 weeks via C-section, and he does not have OI.

“I help others see that anything is possible,” she wrote on her blog. “My blog is all about how I defy the odds as a wife and a mother from my wheelchair.”

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