Mamas Uncut

Mother-in-Law Orders Matching Engagement Ring for Herself After Her Son Proposed to His Fiancée, Who Is Now Officially Creeped Out

One mother-in-law had an oddly unique way of celebrating her son’s marriage to his long-time girlfriend. According to a Reddit post written by the fiancé, her mother-in-law purchased the same exact engagement ring and now wears it regularly on her ring finger right next to her wedding band.

The bride shared in a since-deleted Reddit post that she and her now-husband had been together for 14 years when they decided to get married two years ago. The couple wanted a low-key wedding, opting to go to the courthouse to get married rather than throw a big event.

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This woman’s mother-in-law ordered herself a matching version of the engagement ring given to her future daughter-in-law by her son.

Mother-in-Law Orders Matching Engagement Ring for Herself After Her Son Proposed to His Now-Wife, Who Is Now Officially Creeped Out

But, the bride’s mother-in-law had a different idea about how the event should go down.

“She helped facilitate the purchase of a real engagement ring, took us to a fancy restaurant and took our daughter off our hands so he could make a scene of it,” the bride wrote. “The ring is gorgeous, and even though my MIL is embarrassed that it’s NOT a real diamond, I love it all the same.”

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The mother-in-law apparently loved the ring a little too much…

It turned out, though, that the mother-in-law liked the ring a bit more than she was letting on.

“Apparently when she ordered my ring, she ordered herself a copy,” the woman continued. “I saw her wearing it last week and asked her what the difference is between our rings. ‘No difference, I just liked it so much I got myself one too.”

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Commenters on the original post were appalled at the mother-in-law’s behavior.

“I just read your story to my husband to see what his reaction was,” one poster wrote on the since locked Reddit post. “Even he made a face and said that was the weirdest thing. Once I mentioned the comment about her wearing it on her ring finger next to her wedding band, he was absolutely appalled.”

“She’s imagining being married to her son…”

One person suggested she just go and pick out a different one. “It feels a little too much like she’s imagining being married to her son. Or she wants to single white female you,” the person continued.

While there were a few people who felt that the mother-in-law wasn’t being “mean or spiteful” and perhaps she was just trying to make a connection with her new daughter-in-law.

Unfortunately, at the moment, the couple lives with the mother-in-law, so maintaining clear boundaries can be somewhat difficult. But, boundary setting has to start somewhere – why not kick off the New Year with an honest conversation about the ring?  

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