Mamas Uncut

A Mother-in-Law Deliberately Dropped Her Newborn Grandson Moments After Delivery Because of His Skin Color

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One anonymous woman is sharing her horrifying story of a delivery room moment gone wrong and it is all thanks to the mother-in-law.

In a since-deleted post to Reddit, the MIL dropped her newborn grandson on the ground after she took one look at him and stated (out loud) he was “too dark” to be her son’s child.

A Mother-in-Law Deliberately Dropped Her Newborn Grandson Moments After Delivery Because of His Skin Color
Image via pxfuel

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If you are thinking what I am thinking, yes, it’s getting into racist land.

The mother posted the cringe-worthy story to the front page of the internet from the hospital after her MIL came to visit.

“I’m a very pale Native American and I look Irish and not Native and my Significant Other is a Norwegian man,” she explained.

Image via Pexels

“When she is handed my baby, she looks at him and says, ‘He’s not [my Significant Other’s], he’s too dark to be SOs, [I] must have cheated,” the new mom continued.

But that, unfortunately, was not the worst part of the story.

The new grandmother then decided to drop the newborn on the ground shortly after making the cruel comment.

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Thankfully, the doctor was close by and the newborn did not appear to be seriously injured but, as to be expected, the new mother was beyond furious.

“Keep in mind this is a newborn who isn’t even 12 hours old,” she wrote. “My doctor then calls security and him and one of the nurses take my baby out of the room to be examined for damage.”

“I am still seething with anger at what she has done,” the mom added.

The mother-in-law was shortly arrested after the incident.

Image via pxhere

Many users were quick to comment with their support to the new mother. User Granuaile11 shared their thoughts on the situation, stating:

“Since MIL did this in reaction to the color of the baby’s skin, I would want it classified as a hate crime, really.”

Image via flickr

While another user by the name of recyclopath_ added:

“There are so many other solutions to ‘baby is a little dark’ than wife cheated. And literally any reaction than attempting to kill the infant!”

I think it is safe to say the next family reunion will be an awkward one, to say the least!

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