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48 Most Common Middle Names for Girls & Boys

What are the most common middle names for girls and boys? The practice of giving a baby a second or middle name dates back to the Middle Ages when parents had to decide whether to name their babies with a family appellation or that of a Christian saint. Thus, many parents chose to give a first name and a second baptismal name.

Now, hundreds of years later, middle names are still considered very special and they remain much more steadfast than first names which are often trendier. Common middle names include family names that honor a relative, a friend, or a loved one. Common middle names also include a nod to heritage, making them extra special. Let’s take a look at the most common middle names in the US today.

Check Out The Most Common Middle Names!

Most Common Middle Names for Girls

Most Common Middle Names

Here, we will discuss the most common middle names for girls. All of these middle names are very popular, but as you move down this list, we will show you the most popular middle names new parents are choosing today.

Most Common Middle Names for Girls Continued

Did Kate and Victoria surprise you? They are some of the most popular middle names for girls in the UK and US today! Let’s discover more.

More Common Middle Names for Girls

Let’s take a look at two middle name options that are both popular and come from the same root.

Popular Middle Names for Girls

Apparently, M-names, meaning names starting with M, are huge hits for the middle spot. Let’s discuss even more middle names for girls that start with M and are wildly popular today!

More Common Middle Names for Girls

Next up, we have even more common middle names for girls. Again, we find a very popular name at the root at both forms of these names.

More Common Middle Names for Girls

What other wildly common middle names are new parents choosing today? The same ones they have chosen for hundreds of years!

More Middle Names for Girls

Next up, we find two common middle names that exemplify straightforwardness as both names’ meaning is exactly what they say to begin with!

What Are the Most Common Middle Names for Girls?

Next up, we discuss more common middle names for girls, one of which is the most popular middle name for girls in the UK today.

More Middle Names for Girls

Next up, we find two names that have steeply declined in popularity as first names but still thrive in the middle spot, likely as nods to older relatives.

Middle Names for Girls Continued

Next up, we find two more common middle names for girls that have lost favor as first names only to gain steam in the middle spot!

Most Common Middle Names for Girls Continued

Here are a couple more favorites! Irene has dropped in favor dramatically as first name, but still can be found in the middle often. Faith is steadfast as both a first and a middle name option.

The Most Common Middle Names for Girls, Top of the Top

The most common middle names for girls in the US are Lynn and Maree/Mary/Marie. We already shared Mary and Marie with you but we needed to also include Maree as well as all three are super popular for girls today.

RELATED: 125 Cute Middle Names for Girls

Most Common Middle Names for Boys

Let’s get the ball rolling with some middle names for boys with two favorites that are also popular first names today.

More Common Middle Names for Boys

Next up, we find one traditional favorite paired with another common middle name that’s new-ish to the top middle name echelon.

Popular Middle Names for Boys Continued

Next, we find two classics which are exceedingly popular family names that seem to stay in families longer than most!

Even More Common Middle Names for Boys

Let’s discover even more common middle names for boys! Daniel is somehow more popular as a middle name in the UK than the US. Henry, on the other hand, finds its way to the middle spot more often in the US than the UK.

More Middle Names Parents Choose for Their Sons

Michael and Joseph are very common middle names for boys in the US today. What’s not to love? These classic names sound stately yet modest which is a winning combination!

Even More Middle Names

While both of the following names are very common middle names in the US today, they are even more popular among new parents in the UK.

More Common Middle Names for Boys

In the US, Andrew has declined in favor slightly as a first name but it is still going strong as an option for the middle spot. In the UK, you will find Peter as a middle more frequently than here, in the US.

More Middle Names

Next, we find two very common middle names for boys that are traditional and also stay in families for a long time. Edward is a more popular choice in the UK while Robert reigns supreme in the US.

More Common Middle Names for Boys

Both of these middle names are very, very, popular among English-speaking families today. We likely have these timeless names on this list because they are so versatile and work with practically every first name.

Even More Middle Names

We are nearing the top of the top now! Thomas is a much more common middle name in the UK today, but it still is popular in the US. As you might have guessed, William is popular wherever English is spoken.

Middle Names That Are Red Hot

Are you breaking a sweat yet because we are really heating up now! John and Wayne are two of the most common middle names for boys today.

YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: 175 Unique Middle Names for Boys

The Most Common Middle Names for Boys

Drumroll! What are the two most common middle names for boys in the US? James and Alan are the two most common choices as middle names today!

There you go! What did you think of these common middle names for girls and boys? Did any surprise you? It’s likely that you were left unsurprised as many of these names honor heritage and family, meaning the names have been in use for generations for some. Any of these common middle names would be wise choices for new parents today!

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