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Monica Lewinsky Reacts To Backlash After She Requests Beyoncé To Change Lyrics That References Her And Bill Clinton

Monica Lewinsky Reacts To Backlash After She Requests Beyoncé To Change Lyrics That References Her And Bill Clinton

Image via Shutterstock

Monica Lewinsky has beef with one of Beyoncé’s top songs.

This past Monday, Lewinsky replied to a headline from Variety about Beyoncé scrapping a word that was deemed “ableist” from the song “Heated” on her latest album, Renaissance.

Monica Lewinsky Reacts To Backlash After She Requests Beyoncé To Change Lyrics That References Her And Bill Clinton

In response, Lewinsky, 49, tweeted, “uhmm, while we’re at it… #Partition,” referencing Beyoncé’s 2013 single which contains the lyric “he Monica Lewinsky’d all on my gown” — a nod to Lewinsky’s high-profile affair with former President Bill Clinton.

However, when fans called her out for appearing to single out Beyoncé, 40, Lewinsky replied, “When articles about the 125+ other artists changing lyrics to a song cross my TL, I promise I’ll do the same.”

She also went on to share more on why she labels herself a “rap song muse” in her Twitter bio, telling one fan, “because learning to laugh about things which hurt or humiliated me is how I survived.”

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Explaining the label to another fan, Lewinsky said in part, “I was a Beyoncé fan ’til ‘Partition,'” telling another Twitter user that of all the times her scandal has been publicly referenced, “Beyoncé’s use was most disappointing cuz I was a fan.”

She also pointed out that this isn’t the first time she’s made mention of the name-drop, tweeting, “Newsflash: always consider YOUR first time hearing something doesn’t necessarily mean it is the first time it’s been said. (this has been a good reminder for me, too.)”

Lewinsky penned a Vanity Fair op-ed in 2014 on being the subject of conversation and humiliation.

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She wrote in part, “Miley Cyrus references me in her twerking stage act, Eminem raps about me, and Beyoncé’s latest hit gives me a shout-out. Thanks, Beyoncé, but if we’re verbing, I think you meant ‘Bill Clinton’d all on my gown,’ not ‘Monica Lewinsky’d.’ “

Released in 2013, Partition was co-written and co-produced by Justin Timberlake.

Producers Timbaland, as well as The Dream, are also on the list of well-known artists and producers credited. The song is featured on Beyoncé’s self-titled fifth studio album.

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