25 Monday Memes That Remind Us How Much We Love the Weekend

If there’s one type of meme that we can all relate to, it has to be Monday memes – you know, that one day of the week that no one can stand. They always say it’s best to start your week on a good note, but that seems impossible considering every week starts with a dreaded Monday.

Did you know the word Monday is derived from the Old English word ‘Mōnandæg’ and the Middle English word ‘Monenday’ – both of which come from the latin phrase ‘dies lunae’ or ‘day of the moon.’ If you ask me, it should be ‘day of the dead’ because that’s how I feel on Mondays. 

Mondays are easy to make fun of, so it’s no surprise that Monday memes are blasted all over social media. It’s the worst way to start a week and it’s the one thing that weighs us down on the weekend – knowing no matter how hard we try to avoid it, Sunday will always lead to Monday.

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We Can All Relate to Monday Memes

25 Monday Memes That Remind Us How Much We Love the Weekend
Akos Nagy / Shutterstock

Anyone who has ever been on social media on a Monday – which is all of us, I presume – has seen their fair share of Monday memes. And if you haven’t seen them on social media, then your friends have likely sent you Monday memes through the phone, email, or even in-person.

While they might just be photos with captions to some people, Monday memes are a way of connecting with others – they bring people together and give them common ground to stand on, and laugh on. In a way, Monday memes make Monday feel a little less like Monday – it’s poetic.

Unfortunately, that’s not going to change the fact that it’s Monday and since we hate Mondays, then let’s pour the hate-orade because we have some Monday memes to laugh at. I’m sure you all have your favorites, but here are some of our favorite Monday memes for you to enjoy today!

25. Stairs + Monday Morning = Trouble

25 Monday Memes That Remind Us How Much We Love the Weekend

Those of us with a multi-story home understand the pain of having to walk downstairs every single morning – same with people that live on the second floor of an apartment building. Whether you’re going downstairs to make some breakfast or to get to your car, there’s nothing worse than making that trip on a Monday. I swear, each step feels like I’m taking three steps. 

24. We Can All Use a Punching Bag on Monday

25 Monday Memes That Remind Us How Much We Love the Weekend

A punching bag is anyone’s best friend on a Monday. It’s a great way to release stress, anger, anxiety, or any other emotion you’re feeling – which often comes in abundance on Mondays. Did you know that most people don’t even smile before 11:16 AM on Mondays? A study in the UK came to this conclusion and it confirms the notion that people rarely smile on Monday morning. 

23. I Smell It, Do You Smell It?

25 Monday Memes That Remind Us How Much We Love the Weekend

Mondays are so bad that you can smell it from a mile away – as soon as the sun starts setting on Sunday, your entire mood starts to change. And when your mood starts to change, you’ll do anything to try and make yourself smile. Did you know that Monday is the most popular day for online shopping? Apparently most people counter the Monday blues by emptying their Amazon cart.  

22. That’s a Lot of Work

25 Monday Memes That Remind Us How Much We Love the Weekend

As if Mondays aren’t already a headache, seeing the influx of work floating on your desk at 8 in the morning – or whenever you clock in to work – makes matters much worse. And for some reason, the pile only gets bigger as the day goes on. Did you know the FDA approved the world’s first commercially-produced birth control pill on a Monday? See, Mondays aren’t that bad.

21. You’re Going to Have to Drag Me

25 Monday Memes That Remind Us How Much We Love the Weekend

One of the hardest things about Monday is getting yourself out of the house and into your car so you can go to work. Your legs start feeling heavy and you start to question whether you actually need a job or not. Did you know nearly half of all employees across all sectors are late to work on Mondays? Are you one of them? Or are you someone who likes to get to work early? 

20. Yeah, I Don’t Get Mondays Either

25 Monday Memes That Remind Us How Much We Love the Weekend

This is one of those expressions I tend to use frequently on Mondays. Just the idea of Monday alone will have me wondering, “Why? Do we need this?” I don’t know about you, but I can do without a Monday every now and then. Did you know there’s a Japanese American actress, singer, and songwriter named Monday Michiru? Imagine having Monday as your first name!

19. We All Have Our Monday Mask

25 Monday Memes That Remind Us How Much We Love the Weekend

When Monday rolls around, we all put on our happy faces as we go to work and try to act as normal as a society should. Behind that mask is an exhausted, dull, and defeated expression that wouldn’t fly at work. Did you know Monday is the most popular day for employees to call in sick or show up to work sleep-deprived? That could be part of the reason why we hate Monday!

18. Watch Out, They’ll Sneak Up On You

25 Monday Memes That Remind Us How Much We Love the Weekend

Mondays are known to sneak up on us. Once Monday passes, it seems like it takes forever to get to Friday. And once we get to Friday, the weekend is gone before we know it and it’s Monday all over again. In 2022, there are a total of 52 Mondays and the same will reign true in 2023. Be prepared for 2024, though, because there will be 53 Mondays – that’s a whole extra Monday!

17. Mondays Suck for Everyone

25 Monday Memes That Remind Us How Much We Love the Weekend

Next time you’re looking for pity as you try to make the most out of Monday, just remember that we’re not the only ones that have bad Mondays – it’s a universal thing. Animals, plants, and insects have the case of the Mondays every now and then, so it’s only natural. Did you know we spend nearly 12 minutes every Monday complaining about the fact it’s Monday? 

16. It Was All Going Well Until Monday Showed Up

25 Monday Memes That Remind Us How Much We Love the Weekend

Like we mentioned before, those Mondays come up so fast – one second it’s Friday night, the next second it’s Monday morning and you’re in the car on your way to work. Let’s not forget that the United States dropped a bomb on Hiroshima on a Monday – August 6, 1945, to be exact. Let’s hope no more bombs are dropped on any more Mondays, we have enough to worry about!

15. And Just Like That… POOF!

25 Monday Memes That Remind Us How Much We Love the Weekend

We spend five days of the week looking forward to the weekend and when it finally comes, we don’t have nearly as much time as we need to fulfill all our desires – that’s five days of ideas and plans that need to be crammed into one weekend! Here’s a fun little fact about Monday – it’s the only one of the seven days that doubles as an anagram (you can spell dynamo out of it). 

14. You Can’t Escape Mondays

25 Monday Memes That Remind Us How Much We Love the Weekend

Wouldn’t it be cool if we could just escape Mondays – as if they didn’t even exist? That must be what having Monday as your regular day off feels like, the freedom to be happy on a day where everyone else hates life – it’s powerful in a way. Did you know in some countries and religions, Monday is actually the second day of the week? That’s right, the week starts on Sunday!

13. Mona Lisa? More Like Monday Lisa!

25 Monday Memes That Remind Us How Much We Love the Weekend

I’m sure we can all relate to Monday Lisa – sometimes there’s just no time to do your hair and get ready. The pure exhaustion from the weekend removes any ounce of care you once had. This is how I woke up on Monday and this is how I shall look on Monday. Did you know the Titanic sank on a Monday – April 15, 1912, to be exact? I don’t think that’s a coincidence.

12. That Monday Came Out of Nowhere 

25 Monday Memes That Remind Us How Much We Love the Weekend

It was the weekend and I was just stringing along for the ride and then out of nowhere, BAM! That Monday came out of nowhere and knocked me right on my butt. I guess you have to be careful out here because Mondays don’t playaround. Just listen to the song called Manic Monday by the Bangles – a girls rock band that wrote the song in honor of hating Mondays. 

11. Cats Are the Lucky Ones

25 Monday Memes That Remind Us How Much We Love the Weekend

A lot of people say they want to be rich so they can do whatever they want, but I’d much rather be a cat – they do whatever they want, walk around like they own the place, and sleep most of the day. They also have no perception of what Monday is – none of that exists in their mind. Did you know that Mondays are often the best days to start a new routine or list of tasks/goals?

10. How I Feel at Work Every Monday

25 Monday Memes That Remind Us How Much We Love the Weekend

This is actually a scene from Season 2 of Scrubs – a popular television show that takes place in a hospital setting (it’s Grey’s Anatomy, but comedy). Dr. Kelso embodied what all of us feel like on Monday – we just want destruction in our path! The only positive thing about Monday is that it’s the least likely day to experience rain. I mean, that has to stand for something, right? 

9. When Monday Walks Up On You

25 Monday Memes That Remind Us How Much We Love the Weekend

When I first saw this meme, I immediately thought of the Will Smith slap on Chris Rock at the 2022 Oscars. I know I speak for all of us when I say we’ve all been slapped in the face like that – in fact, it happens everytime Monday rolls around. Did you know that watching your favorite television show or movie (or listening to your favorite song) can help your Monday go better?

8. Those Early Monday Tears… 

25 Monday Memes That Remind Us How Much We Love the Weekend

How many times have you woken up with tears streaming down your face because it’s Monday? Don’t worry if it’s a regular occurrence because you’re not alone – though you should seek help for it if it starts to compromise your ability to live a happy and healthy life. Did you know that most people are up to 30% less productive on a Monday compared to other days of the week?

7. We Need a Good Plan for Stopping Monday

25 Monday Memes That Remind Us How Much We Love the Weekend

I bet if we all worked together and created a plan for stopping Monday – doing away with it – we could come up with something. The problem is no one has ever tried, but that shouldn’t stop us! In all seriousness, that’s not really possible, but one can dream, can’t he? Did you know that most people weigh more on Mondays than they do the rest of the week? Another reason to hate Monday.

6. Imagine If Everyday Was Monday

25 Monday Memes That Remind Us How Much We Love the Weekend

Can you imagine if every day was Monday? It might sound terrifying, but I think it would actually solve our problem – in a similar way than just doing away with it period. If every day was Monday, there wouldn’t be anything to hate because it would just be a new day – every day. Did you know that people above the age of 40 are at an increased risk of being stressed on Monday?

5. Winnie the Pooh Doesn’t Like Monday

25 Monday Memes That Remind Us How Much We Love the Weekend

I have to say, I feel for Winne the Pooh on this one. I would’ve had the same reply if I was in his situation, no doubt. The only thing worse than being prepared for Monday is finding out it’s Monday, on Monday. I guess it wouldn’t be too bad if you found out later in the day, but it would ruin your day if you found out early in the morning. Has that ever happened to you? I hope not!

4. Mondays Are Too Long 

25 Monday Memes That Remind Us How Much We Love the Weekend

Does anyone else feel like Mondays take 20 times longer to end than any other day? I know it’s impossible, but that’s what it feels like! The morning seems dragged out, the work day takes forever, and then the work never seems to finish when you get home. Not only that, but you have four more days ahead of you before the weekend, so you better buckle up and wake up!

3. We’re Always Confident Until Monday Appears

25 Monday Memes That Remind Us How Much We Love the Weekend

I don’t know about you, but I always get a little too confident on Sunday night. I make a plan for myself to get a lot done on Monday and I feel good about it – until I wake up the next morning. Then it’s just downhill from there. Did you know that more heart attacks happen on Monday than any other day of the week? The same goes for suicide – if you feel depressed, reach out for help!

2. We’ve All Been There, Haven’t We?

25 Monday Memes That Remind Us How Much We Love the Weekend

For five days of the week, most of us set an alarm for early in the morning – usually several hours earlier than what we’d like. When we wake up on Friday, we’re relieved to know that we won’t need an alarm clock the next two days. Unfortunately, your body is so used to waking up early that even without the alarm clock, you’re still waking up at 5, 6, or 7 in the morning. Ugh!


25 Monday Memes That Remind Us How Much We Love the Weekend

I don’t know what’s worse – Monday or SMONDAY. For those that don’t know, SMONDAY is the moment when Sunday evening starts to feel like Monday. You start to feel the anxiety of all that’s to come and it starts to ruin your last bit of peace before the work week begins. Don’t let SMONDAY win – enjoy your Sunday night, clear your mind, and remain in good spirits!

Monday Memes Help Us Get Through the Week

25 Monday Memes That Remind Us How Much We Love the Weekend
Maria Marganingsih / Shutterstock

We can all agree that Mondays are always a bad way to start the week, but let’s also agree that Monday memes make it a little bit better. At least they put a smile on our face and force a giggle out of us – even if it’s just for a moment. If you know Mondays like I do, you need that moment.

Whether you hate Mondays or love Mondays, let’s vow to not let that hatred ruin anyone’s day – or week, for that matter. Mondays are hard and Monday memes help capture it in a hilarious way, but let’s not fall to the stereotype. Instead, let’s make the most out of each Monday we get.

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Besides, there are good things that happen on Mondays – for starters, we’ve got Monday Night Football to look forward to (during football season). Monday is also, statistically, the best day to buy a new car and the most likely day of the week to see a rise in the US Stock Market.

If you liked these Monday memes, you will love Good Morning Memes that are all about how much we all despise the morning. If you want even more laughs, take a look at these stunningly stupid and funny memes!

Start Your Day Off Right With These Funny Good Morning Memes.

‘You Look Tired’

Funny Good Morning Memes

We kick things off with one of our favorite funny good morning memes of all time. Can you relate?

Another Day

Funny Good Morning Memes

Aw, what a cute, sleepy cat. Remember to seize the day, folks! We only get so many on this earth.

The Birds Know

Funny Good Morning Memes

If you could, would you also start your day off screaming? This is one of our favorite funny good morning memes from Twitter.

A New Day

Funny Good Morning Memes

There are signs all around you telling you that you’re not alone. You just need to know where to look.


Funny Good Morning Memes

A waking state is not the preferred mode for most. This is one of the funny good morning memes that perfectly captures that sentiment.

A Beauty

Funny Good Morning Memes

Do you ever feel like your a pair of fried eggs in the morning? We feel it’s a universal type of feeling that makes this meme truly delicious.


Funny Good Morning Memes

There’s a SpongeBob meme for every occasion. We find Squidward here looking worse for wear. It’s one of the funny good morning memes we can really get behind.

Trust the Process

Funny Good Morning Memes

Sleepy cats are clearly the star of this genre of meme. Would you also compare the process of waking up to trauma? We don’t think it’s too far off.


Funny Good Morning Memes

Be suspect. Very suspect of those who are showing too much cheer in the morning hours. That time is for waking and waking only.

Another Day

Funny Good Morning Memes

Does it ever feel like your responsibilities that keep you alive aren’t really worth it? Is late-stage capitalism getting you down? You’re not alone!


Funny Good Morning Memes

One of the best funny good morning memes is deceptively simple. We all need more sleep.


Funny Good Morning Memes

Getting the day started can feel like a real chore. But, you can do it and then take a bath after you’ve made it through your day.

See the Sign

Funny Good Morning Memes

Communication is key but only after 10:00 AM. Does anyone else wish there was some form of conversation consent?

The Future

Funny Good Morning Memes

Your entire life is ahead of you! You can make lofty goals for yourself or just take things one day at a time. Don’t let anyone judge you.

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Funny Good Morning Memes

Really, there is a SpongeBob meme for every single thing that happens on this spinning rock. We felt this one.

Staying Positive

Funny Good Morning Memes

One of the best funny good morning memes involves the concept of “staying positive.” Is it even worth it?

Sips Coffee

Funny Good Morning Memes

Here’s a rather wholesome meme about that morning cup(s) of coffee. It’s the fuel that unites us.


Funny Good Morning Memes

There are so many funny good morning memes with grumpy cats. Are grumpy cats the patron saints of the morning struggle?


Funny Good Morning Memes

Kaavia James Union Wade makes an appearance in one of the classic, funny good morning memes. She really embodies everything in this photo.

Just a Few More Minutes

Funny Good Morning Memes

Getting that morning motivation can be a challenge. We really are our own worst enemies at times.

Java Jive

Funny Good Morning Memes

The cats are judging us, people. We’re all getting to our coffee the best ways we know how.


Funny Good Morning Memes

This meme is very us to the kids. We all need a little pep in our step to get the day going.

Not Yet

Funny Good Morning Memes

Does anyone know where we might find such a perfect knit? You’re going to make, ladies and gents.

Only Time

Funny Good Morning Memes

Enya‘s “Only Time” comes to mind when looking at this meme. “Who can say where the road goes?
Where the day flows? Only time,” is so prophetic.

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The One

Funny Good Morning Memes

You know it’s true. The modern bed is the only thing humans have ever done right.

There you go! We hope you got a kick out of these funny good morning memes and that you will share them with others. If you’re not a morning person, you know that the struggle is oh, so real. These funny memes really make the most out of our reluctance to wake.

About Mamas Uncut

Mamas Uncut is THE online place for moms. We cover the latest about motherhood, parenting, and entertainment as well – all with a mom-focused twist. So if you're looking for parenting advice from real parents, we have plenty of it, all for moms from moms, and also experts. Because, at the end of the day, our mission is focused solely on empowering moms and moms-to-be with the knowledge and answers they’re looking for in one safe space.

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