Mamas Uncut

Moms Forcibly Removed From Schoolboard Meeting And Told Not to Return for a Year After Refusing to Wear Masks

There are several Florida moms who can no longer attend school board meetings this year after they refused to wear masks at the latest meeting. According to the Associated Press, the moms had to be forcibly be removed from the meeting by law enforcement.

The meeting was actually about their mandatory mask policy and whether or not the school district should extend it. However, as the AP reports, while none of the moms were arrested, they were cited for trespassing and told that they could not return to the property for one year. 

Moms Forcibly Removed From Schoolboard Meeting And Told Not to Return for a Year After Refusing to Wear Masks
Samantha Sosa/Twitter

Moms Forcibly Removed From Schoolboard Meeting for Not Wearing Masks

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Samantha Sosa with Fox 35 shared a video of the moms being removed from the meeting on Twitter.

The mandatory mask policy adopted by the Volusia County School Board requires anyone on school district property to wear a mask. However, that policy expires early next month, according to the AP.

Part of the school board meeting that took place earlier this week was to discuss extending that policy and hold a vote, something the moms present at that meeting were adamantly against. Another Twitter video revealed that a mom was arguing the legitimacy of the school board’s right to make her wear a mask.

In the Twitter video, you can hear the mom saying that her lawyer told her she’s not obligated to wear a mask anywhere. She also brought being medically exempt from following the policy.

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“It’s not okay,” the mom said at one point. “This is called coercion. This is called a return to a previous time in history. We live in a free county. This is a free city.”

As for whether or not the school board made the decision to extend their mandatory mask police, that is unclear.

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