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New Mom Uses Felt Letter board to Share Her Hilarious Take on Motherhood, Rather Than the Usual Inspirational Quote

New Mom Uses Felt Letterboard to Share Her Hilarious Take on Motherhood, Rather Than the Usual Inspirational Quote


If you’ve scrolled through Instagram recently, you’ve probably seen at least one person use a felt letter board to commemorate special occasions and share quotes or quips about life.

Well, one mom recently took the opportunity to use her letter board to share hilarious commentary about life as a new mom. Casey Grim, who is part of the comedy duo known as A Couple of N3rds, shared some thoughts about parenting her new son Clark, which she laid out beautifully on a black and white felt board.

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One of the boards she created read, “I never thought I’d let a guy take a dump on my chest but then I had my son,” while Grim held Clark up to the camera. When speaking to CafeMom, the comedian said that she was inspired to create the funny signs after seeing other moms pose in filtered photos with inspiring quotes about parenting.

Mom Uses Popular Felt Letter board to Get Real and Funny About Being a New Mother

“The moms always look beautiful, and it’s always some cute, wholesome joke on the letter board. I thought it would be funny to take that and add a bit of our sense of humor’s twist to it,” Grim said. So the mom created the letter board, snapped the pic, and shared it on Reddit to the amusement of many.

“One time I was changing my son’s poop-filled underpants, and it turned out he wasn’t finished. I didn’t want to get *expletive* on the rug so I literally just caught his turd in my bare hand. Luckily by that time I was so desensitized that it didn’t scar me for life,” one parent wrote after Grim shared the message board.

Grim did note that not everyone was impressed by her sense of humor, but she’s not letting that put a damper on her fun. “A few people have been offended by it, calling it trashy or like making it waaay overly sexual, which is super weird to me because he’s a baby and it should be a pretty obvious play on words,” Grim told CafeMom.

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“But there’s always gonna be intense people who have something going on in their lives that make it hard for them to laugh at something. All in all, it’s been really fun connecting with people and with other moms over the picture.”

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