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A Mom Secretly Vaccinated Kids Against Her Husband’s Wishes

Child Receives Vaccine


In case you’ve missed it, there’s been a dramatic increase in measles cases across the United States over the last few years, with a particularly large cluster in New York this past spring and summer. Even after seeing case after case of easily preventable illness hurt young kids, some parents are making vaccinating children a controversial issue.

YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: After Measles Cases Increase 300%, World Health Organization Issues Warning to Vaccinate

According to the CDC, there have been more than 1,200 confirmed cases of measles reported this year, due in large part to a growing number of parents choosing not to vaccinate their children. The decision to vaccinate has become a hot button topic so it’s no surprise that when a mother decided to vaccinate her children behind her husband’s back, it stirred up a storm online.

It all started when an unvaccinated child got sick.


The mother posted her story on Reddit to get feedback from the community. In the post, she describes her husband’s reticence to vaccinate their children. She went along with his wishes at first, but then a lifealtering event changed her thinking.

Her daughter was running an unusually high fever and the mother decided to take her to the ER. At the ER, doctors, “laid into me about how important vaccines are for our children.”

“He said all the things I’ve said to my husband, and more, and made me feel like [expletive],” the mom admitted. “He explained that a 4-month-old baby was hospitalized three days ago for meningitis, and lived even though he didn’t expect him to survive.”

“I tried to explain that I agree,” she said in the post, “but I feel he didn’t believe me that it was my husband’s wishes I was respecting up until now.”

The doctor shut her down by saying, “Look, my children are vaccinated,” this made the mother feel shame.

“I won’t do this anymore,” the mom decided. “Although he is a sweet man with a kind heart, he is endangering our children.”

The doctor helped her see that she needed to vaccinate each of her children. Instead of informing her husband, she had it done behind his back.


The mother posted an update to her first post letting the community know that she’d began vaccines for her kids. “I took them to our county medical office on a day that accepted walk-ins,” she said in the post. “We waited and they got the first round, about four combos each, with another walk-in suggested to me for three-six months to catch up the rest.”

Although the experience frayed her nerves, she knew she was doing the right thing. She continues, “That whole day, before I left and when we returned, I thought somehow my husband knew, or would figure it out. But, here we are about a week later and he’s got no idea.”

The kids will always spill the beans.


In a final update, the mother says that dad found out. “The kids came home, and kept mentioning ‘my poke,'” she said in the post. “So he asked me if they got vaccines and I came clean. I said yes, and told him they started last year.”

After years of debate, the couple got into a heated discussion. She apologized for lying but not for having their children vaccinated.

“We talked more, and I explained the recent measles outbreaks nearby and expressed my concern for our kids,” she explained. 

It all turned out fine in the end, “All is well,” she concludes in the post. “No, we didn’t even raise voices. Yes, we kissed and made up.”

The Reddit community was proud of the mom and getting a happy ending to this story.

“Glad you saved your kids lives,” one person responded.

“Hooray! I’m so glad he came around a bit. You did the right thing,” another agreed.

“Oh I’m very happy to read this,” a third commended both parents. “It’s wonderful to read about interactions between adults being adults.”

It’s great when one parent can explain that their issue isn’t with the other parent. The issue was about their children’s well-being. We’re pumped dad finally came around. Vaccinate your kids!

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