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Dad and Mom Creates Life-Size Cardboard Cutout of Mom to Stop Kid From Crying Every Time She Leaves a Room

Dad and Mom Creates Life-Size Cardboard Cutout of Mom to Stop Kid From Crying Every Time She Leaves a Room

Twitter/Nezi Sato

When it comes to parenting, it’s almost guaranteed that at some point you’re going to need to get creative in order to get anything on your to-do list done. And one mom is going viral for just how creative she and her husband got.

According to a Twitter post, a mom from Japan said any time she left the room, her child would scream and cry for her to come back. So the child’s father came up with an idea that would trick their son into thinking his mom was around even though she wasn’t.

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Twitter/Nezi Sato

The translated tweet said, “As a countermeasure, I experimented with what would happen if I set up a ‘life-sized panel mother.’ As a result, it is not noticed for about 20 minutes. This may sometimes help,” the dad concluded.

The dad literally found a place where he could make two life-sized cutouts of his wife, one of her stand and one of her kneeling, that he could put in a room with their son so that he thinks she never left.

The Cardboard Cutout of the Mom Actually Seemed to Work

And they even shared a video that’s been viewed over 2.2 million times, showing their smiley little boy checking for his mom, seeing the cardboard cut out, and not knowing the difference. Take a look:

Obviously, the parents would never use the cardboard cutouts as a substitute for actual supervision, but even when the boy’s father was in the room, he still wanted his mom when she left.

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The dad also admitted that it’s important to keep the cutouts out of reach of the child you are trying to fool.

In the end, the two cardboard cutouts proved to buy the mom at least a little bit of time while she attempts to get other things done. Hey, you got to do what you got to do.

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