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Do I Have a Right to Be Upset That My Husband Hasn’t Told His Family That I Am Pregnant?

Looking For Interesting Ideas On How to Announce My Pregnancy: Any Good Suggestions?

Kelly Sikkema/Unsplash

A mom writes in asking for advice after her husband still hasn’t told his side of the family that she’s 20-weeks pregnant with their fourth child. According to the mom, her mother-in-law is adamant about not having more grandchildren. However, her family is very happy for them. Now she’s asking if she’s wrong for being irritated with him that he hasn’t told his family yet?

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A member of the community asks:

“I am almost 20 weeks pregnant with our fourth child (we have a 6-year-old, 3-year-old, and a 1-year-old). Due to circumstances and me ending up caring for my grandmother who was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer, I’m just now having my first doctor’s visit tomorrow. My family is aware that I am having another child, and they are supportive.

However, my husband has yet to tell his parents or sister. His mom is adamant about not wanting any more grandchildren. I’ve been pushing the hubs to tell them because I’m a tiny girl, and I am starting to show and it’s very much a hassle to try to pick clothing that hides the current baby bump, especially when he will randomly just swing through, knowing that I like a heads up since he hasn’t told them yet.

Am I wrong for being irritated that he has not? I’m literally about to tell him he has a few weeks, and then I’m going to tell them myself because I always show very quickly once I hit the 5-month mark. It stresses me out even going there because I’m worrying the entire time about whether they can tell there’s a bump or not.”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Who Is Upset Her Husband Hasn’t Told His Family About Their Baby

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary

It’s time for her husband to tell his family. One commenter wrote, “Every baby is precious whether planned or not. And you should be able to enjoy this bundle of joy growing inside of you no matter what anybody’s opinion is! Tell him you will no longer hide your beautiful baby bump!”

Another person added, “Tell them yourself and it’s none of their business, if you can support and provide for and love them, how many you have. And remind them it takes two to make a baby. You didn’t do it by yourself and if they don’t love or want to be around it then they won’t be around any of them. Stand up for yourself and your child/children.”

And one commenter said, “Good grief you don’t need permission from anyone about having babies. If your husband doesn’t say anything to his outside family that’s his problem. Goodness me, if you are happy about this baby coming then never mind them. If they whine about being a grandparent again it’s their problem. You enjoy having kids so be it of luck to you both. Maybe [your] husband is nervous about mentioning it cause he knows what they are going to say. Tell him you are not bothered what they say, it’s important that you both want this little too.”

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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