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Teenaged Babysitter Talks About Stressful Situation That Stemmed After Mom Forgot to Tell Her Her Kids Are Vegetarians

After being hired to babysit two children, the babysitter had no idea that a meal she would buy them would cause her so much stress. The 19-year-old took to Reddit to ask for some advice after the person who hired her got upset over the meal.

According to the babysitter, she has two years of babysitting experiencing under her belt and has babysat for many different families during that time. This family in particular was new, and because the kids were really well behaved, she agreed.

Teenaged Babysitter Talks About Stressful Situation That Stemmed After Mom Forgot to Tell Her Her Kids Are Vegetarians

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Mom Threatens to Sue Babysitter Over a Happy Meal

During her first day on the job, the babysitter opted to feed the 9 and 7-year-old something special because of how well behaved they had been. She also thought that by rewarding good behavior, it would make her job easier in the future.

So when she asked what they wanted, they had asked for McDonalds chicken nugget happy meals. “Since they were so well behaved I decided to buy them the happy meals they wanted,” she wrote in her since-deleted post.


And while the kids were pleased as punch with the reward, their mother was reportedly furious after walking in on the children indulging in their reward. According to the babysitter, the mom had forgot to tell her that she was raising her two children as vegetarians. 

“The mom came home early and seen her children eating chicken nuggets. She literally ripped the nuggets out of their hands.” The mom then allegedly “started screaming that I’m horrible for allowing her children to eat dead corpses and yelling at her children for eating the meat. […] If i was aware I would have not fed them meat,” she wrote.

Shortly after kicking her out of the home without paying her, the babysitter reportedly received a text from the mom demanding that the babysitter “pay her $300 for each kid for the emotional damage I have caused them.” The mother went as far as to tell the babysitter that if she didn’t pay the $600 that she would take her to court.


However, the threat didn’t scare her, given both her father and brother are lawyers and refused to pay the money. “I refused to pay the money and told her that she should’ve told me that she was vegetarian and I would’ve made sure to completely respect her family diet choice and since she didn’t tell me it’s not my fault.”

The mother responded by saying the babysitter “shouldn’t just assure everyone eats meat.” After asking other reddit users what they thought of the situation, many of them agreed that the mom was at fault for not explicitly telling her her children don’t eat meat.

“The only person who caused the children emotional damage is the Mom. Not only did she rip the food out of their hands, she screamed like a banshee at OP and her kids. Sounds like her kids don’t want to be vegetarian,” one commenter wrote.

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“The parent has the responsibility to tell you about dietary restrictions. Just like if the child had a peanut or tree nut allergy,” another person added. “Even though vegetarianism is growing worldwide nobody assumes you’re a vegetarian. The kids told you they wanted chicken nuggets, you didn’t just give it to them. The mom is the a—hole. You should tell her that if she doesn’t pay you for babysitting you will take her to court for not paying for services rendered.”

And some thought she should take the mom to court for not paying her the money she was owed. What are your thoughts on this situation?

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