Mamas Uncut

Mom Stumped By Mysterious Dark Mark In Daughter’s Mouth, You’ll Never Guess What It Actually Was

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One mother was beyond perturbed when she discovered a dark mark on the roof of her daughter’s mouth. Darian Depreta, 23, was at home when she noticed an odd mark inside her daughter Bella’s mouth and quickly rushed her to the hospital.

Mom Stumped By Mysterious Mark In Daughter’s Mouth, Do You Know What It Could Be?

Mom Stumped By Mysterious Mark In Daughter's Mouth
Image via Facebook

“I tried wiping it to see if it would come off, and it didn’t,” she wrote in a Facebook post. “Nurse tried to wipe it and said she had never seen anything like it. She decides to consult with the doctors, and they suggest maybe a birthmark. I INSISTED it was not because I always look in her mouth and clean it.”

So when Darian’s doctor decided to try and scrape the mark off Bella’s mouth, they soon discovered what exactly the mark was. And you’ll probably never guess what it actually was.

It was not a disease, allergic reaction, or birthmark. It was actually a piece of cardboard that she had chewed and became stuck to the roof of her mouth.

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“I can never show my face in that office again. I cried/laughed for a solid 5 minutes straight,” Darian joked. “She’s teething and tries to chew on EVERYTHING,” Darian wrote, urging how Bella was sucking on the box for only a few seconds before she took it off her.

“She could have choked on it and I’m thanking God she did not. The only reason it was posted was because after crying, panicking and trying to figure out what it was (the doctors didn’t even know), she was ok. The laugh was after the storm of it all. And I don’t ‘let’ my baby chew on cardboard. She just so happened to find a box while I was loading the dishwasher, which I of course took off of her right away. I just didn’t realise a piece got stuck up there. I checked her mouth for small pieces right away.”

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Many of Darian’s followers were quick to comment their support for the young mother. “Oh my. As I was reading this, I was getting more and more upset. I started praying. Only to turn to thanking God and laughing hard. God Bless Her,” one user commented.

“Such is the life of a mother!” another user commented. “At some point, NOTHING surprises you. I’m so glad Bella is ok!”

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